Roblox Experience Elimination 2024

SpongeBob is not very lucky today because his game got eliminated. 9 experiences remaining in the game, which one is gonna be out next?

Round 16
  • Work at a Pizza Place
  • Natural Disaster Survival
  • RB Battles
  • Juke’s Towers of Hell
  • Mega Mansion Tycoon
  • Shovelware Studios Hollywood
  • Tower of Hell
  • Make a Cake
  • Blox Fruits

0 voters

Extra Time
  • Blox Fruits
  • Juke’s Towers of Hell
  • RB Battles

0 voters

Blox Fruits has been eliminated! 8 experiences left, which one will be eliminated from the tournament next?

Round 17
  • Work at a Pizza Place
  • Natural Disaster Survival
  • RB Battles
  • Juke’s Towers of Hell
  • Mega Mansion Tycoon
  • Shovelware Studios Hollywood
  • Tower of Hell
  • Make a Cake

0 voters

Looks like Juke’s Towers of Hell got eliminated. With only 7 experiences left, which one won’t make it to the top 6?

Round 18
  • Work at a Pizza Place
  • Natural Disaster Survival
  • RB Battles
  • Mega Mansion Tycoon
  • Shovelware Studios Hollywood
  • Tower of Hell
  • Make a Cake

0 voters

Mega Mansion Tycoon isn’t that rich anymore… or maybe it still is. It just got eliminated. But there’s 6 experiences left. Which one won’t make it to the top 5?

Round 19
  • Work at a Pizza Place
  • Natural Disaster Survival
  • RB Battles
  • Shovelware Studios Hollywood
  • Tower of Hell
  • Make a Cake

0 voters

Looks like Shovelware Studios Hollywood didn’t make it to the top 5. Only 5 experiences left, which experience will get 5th place?

Round 20
  • Work at a Pizza Place
  • Natural Disaster Survival
  • RB Battles
  • Tower of Hell
  • Make a Cake

0 voters

Looks like RB Battles has been glitched out of the tournament. With 4 experiences left, which one won’t make it to the top 3?

Round 21
  • Work at a Pizza Place
  • Natural Disaster Survival
  • Tower of Hell
  • Make a Cake

0 voters

Extra Time
  • Make a Cake
  • Natural Disaster Survival
  • Tower of Hell

0 voters

Make a Cake has been splatted out of the game! With only 3 experiences left, which one will take home 3rd place?

Round 22
  • Work at a Pizza Place
  • Natural Disaster Survival
  • Tower of Hell

0 voters

Tower of Hell went home 3rd place! Should Work at a Pizza Place or Natural Disaster Survival win the tournament and take home the Roblox Experience Elimination 2024 trophy?

Final Round
  • Work at a Pizza Place
  • Natural Disaster Survival

0 voters

And the winner is… Natural Disaster Survival!!!

Thanks for participating in the Roblox Experience Elimination 2024!

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