I’m suprised you don’t like server merges because of a NAME CHANGE.
Even if it means something to you.
and now i see the other reason
I’m suprised you don’t like server merges because of a NAME CHANGE.
Even if it means something to you.
and now i see the other reason
If you keep those abysmal deals on older servers, like S5 and the deal is a screenshot taken just seconds ago…
… don’t bother to merge servers. People will stop playing anyway. You are aware that this amount of stamina and gold isn’t relevant with Yellow 9 rarity and Lvl 280? I think you are.
This is negligence on your side. I can’t believe that it’s intentional.
Yeah it’s a joke I have a badge that needs 36k stamina for Y9
I am still at those. This is an intended deal for players that spend frequently so they don´t go too far ahead. And if they did get far ahead, their “completion rate” will lower.
How do you know what the deals are intended to do you work for per blu or something??
No, I study economics. And saw what happens after all people “achieve the end”. Or rather… the most of playerbase.
When where there be Anna if their is a frozen collection we need anna
Please stop spamming this.
Well even with this, it still needs to improve. You buy a 4k stamina deal for $5 and then you have to wait like 2 months until you get offered another deal at that value. It’s ridiculous.
And now that they offered those 22k stamina for $5 or $10 deals, everyone is reluctant to buy any standard deal as they want to hold out until those awesome deals appear again.
And for most those would never happen. Because they either buy diamonds or have high VIP from long ago.
I’m extremely excited for S22 to merge with S21! So many new possibilities!
(S21) Other than a double drop weekend, what are double cap raise servers getting to help?
We’re losing 30 badge booster crates each week from contests than before (so far 45 from 3 contests). The crates from the trials (3 per day, 42 total) were similar to the other special trial one.
So in 2.5 weeks, I’m roughly down 110 badge booster crates compared to the past rate. I cannot power up any new heroes anymore.
I am from server 22, if i make new account in server 21, can i consolidate that new account when merge happen? or after this post announced (which is Dec 9th) none of new account created cant be consolidated? @Loutre
i know 21 will be main server and we can’t make new account on server 22 but we still can make new account on 21 right?
in the end, there will be 5 server remain right?
Server 1
Server 14
Server 18
Server 21
Server 23
I’m surprised nobody react…
S24 players Can create many accounts on s23 and merge them After. With prize wall and many gifts it really worth it.
The accounts consolidation should be limited to avoid that or it would be really unfair for s23 players because they can’t do the same trick…
There is also S13 (asian Server)
And u can be shure, that S14 and S18 will be merged next year (maybe into S1)
You can consolidate any account from the merging servers.
They can only make one by standard means. Besides, a one-monthly account is about as good as nothing. Especially with the rewards PB is giving now in events and contests and it is not coincidental that those are garbage now. All catered to not give anyone making a new acc now a huge advantage.
Didn’t perblue say any new accounts made after an announced merge can’t be merged or was that never said cause I thought I saw in another merge article that said that
We can’t create account on servers which are supposed to disappear but we can create multiple accounts on the destination server.
Gifts are not very good but prize wall is.
And multiple accounts have been merged if we refer to the old topic about merge s14/S16.
You could answer that i can also create multiple accounts besides my main but i don’t think that it would work this way (and i have many more important things to do…).
Honestly the easy and fair thing to say and to do is to put a limit : one account only could be merged with another.
PerBlue should do something about the abuse, but I honestly don’t see why consolidation should be limited to one account only.
I will consolidate or at least try to consolidate 2 accounts from S2 and S5 when the merge will be happening in January. Those two accounts I own for ages and since I don’t plan to play beyond casual gaming it’s convenient to consolidate those two.