Sam Eagle (likely concept)

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Name: Sam the Eagle
Stars: :star2:
Role: Support
Position: Back
Team: Blue

Description: Weirdos beware! Sam Eagle brings some good ole fashioned patriotism to the battlefield.

Quote: “I demand order and discipline! None of this silliness and nonsense.”

Entrance: he emerges out of a hotel room door.

Win: he pulls out a giant American flag and salutes as he plants it into the ground, all while fireworks go off.

Lose: he face palms

Basic: he punches the closest enemy

:white_circle: Boosting Morale

A podium appears before Sam as he delivers a speech, healing the teammate with the lowest HP and stunning all enemies for 10 seconds.

:green_circle: BOOGIE!
Sam puts seaweed on his head, sapping X energy from and scaring all enemies for 15 seconds.

:large_blue_circle: A True Patriot

Sam glares at the nearest enemy, studying them and removing all disables.

:purple_circle: Not On My Watch

Sam now revives the affected teammate to full health during “Boosting Morale”.

:red_circle: You are all Weirdos

When activating “A True Patriot”, Sam now studies all enemies.

Friend Campaigns:

Sam Eagle/Kermit

Allies: Cheshire Cat/Gonzo/Captain Amelia

Sam Eagle/Yax

Allies: Bagheera/Mad Hatter/Daisy Duck

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You need to read This Guide


Btw, his name is “Sam Eagle” not “Sam the Eagle”

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