Server Merge - S14/18 Aug 11th More Info

really intriguing. I wonder what will go on after the merge has happened.

@Loutre @Nugget
do you have an indication of what time this will happen and servers will be off? Would like to communicate to the guild.

Servers off from:

  • before prize wall start
  • between prize wall and war ending
  • after war ending before stamina reset
  • after stamina reset


We’ll make a post with more info soon. We never have a time frame for how long it’ll take that’s always up in the air.


I understand you don’t know how long it will take, that’s why I only asked from when the servers will be off :slight_smile:

Are you saying that the invasion will stop for the rest of the week or the next invasion will be skipped next week? Just a little curious, though I’m not part of either server 14/18.

As for the Arena and Coliseum, those are starting to get a little too hard for me when competing (at least for the most part). Especially when I see each competitor that uses some of the same characters, which stresses me out sometimes (No offense).
That’s all to say for now, thanks.:+1:


Es gibt, diese Woche keine Invasion weder auf Server S14 noch auf S18! Und nÀchste Woche ist die Rote Invasion, sprich gelb fÀllt aus. Genau wie bei jeder anderen Serverzusammensetzung bisher!

Yes, it is paused for the merge.

Well my account is lost so I’m done with Disney heroes I’m not starting all over again after years and years


Your account is not lost if you are on S14 or S18
They are merging and therefore not available to play on.

So the prize wall started today are we going to get extra time?


And what about our stuff, is that lost?

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So ein Quatsch dein Konto ist noch da , nur brauchen per blue und Disney bis die ServerzusammenfĂŒhrung abgeschlossen ist. ErfahrungsgemĂ€ĂŸ ist das meist zwischen 21 und 22 Uhr Deutscher Zeit. Da ich aus Deutschland komm nehme ich das als Richtlinie! Nun schiebt hier keine Panik.

Es wurde ausfĂŒhrlich angekĂŒndigt und ist nicht die erste und auch nicht die letzte ServerzusammenfĂŒhrung.

When will the servers come back on?
I’m just wondering because I would like to try to unlock the new character named Agent P later.
Plz Pacific Standard time.

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Not to mention we’re losing being able to get stamina that would help
 worst day to possibly do this eh?


Nutz Google zum Umrechnen der Zeit ich hab die in deutscher Zeit angegeben.

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Du verlierst nichts !!!

So now it gives me the option to “switch” to my normal account (during server merge it said it was unavailable so that’s a change) but when I try to do that switch, it tries to reload the app but can’t and gives me an error. Hopefully this just means the merge is still in progress and I just need to wait?


It’s always the crappiest time they choose to update anything. Why not do it when there is nothing to miss out on?

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I’ve been though merges already as in me moving to another server
 Both times it went smoothly and had to check if it actually switched 
 Just be patient :wink:

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Any word on when we’ll be able to get back in? Down over 2 hours now. My user is there but keep getting connection lost.

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