Son of the Sea - Percy Jackson Likely(?) Hero Concept (#1)

Author’s Note:
Before I begin this concept, I’d like to explain something. The reason there is a question mark after “Likely” in the title is because I’m not sure how likely this is. Percy Jackson and the Olympians was published by a Disney publishing company (Disney Hyperion) and two of the books were later turned into movies and recently into a show. All of this shows that Percy Jackson could be a likely hero concept. If anyone disagrees, feel free to explain your reason in the replies! Also, I made sure to use my own ideas in this concept, if I copied anyone else’s concept ideas (though it’s very unlikely since there is only one other Percy Jackson concept) please let me know.

Percy Jackson Hero Concept

Description: Percy Jackson, the forbidden Demigod, is ready to battle Creeps with his trusty sword, Riptide!

Quote: “With great power…comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”

Position - Front-Line
Role - Damage
Team - Blue
Stars - 1 :star2:


Entrance - Percy walks onto the battlefield and pulls out Riptide (His pen that transforms into a sword).

Victory - Percy raises Riptide triumphantly as water swirls around him.

Defeat - Riptide transforms back into a pen and Percy kneels in exhaustion.


Basic Attack - Riptide
Percy Jackson slashes enemies with Riptide.
:boom:Normal Damage

White Skill - Supreme Lord of the Bathroom
Percy unleashes a stream of water (coming from somewhere beyond his team’s side of the screen) dealing X damage to all enemies. This skill is a nod to the memorable chapter in The Lightning Thief where Percy discovers his powers.
:sparkles:Fantastic Damage

Green Skill - Whirlpool
Percy creates a whirlpool around the closest enemy, continuously dealing X damage over time and pulling in nearby enemies for X seconds.
:sparkles:Fantastic Damage

Blue Skill - Bolt of Olympus
Percy hurls the Master Bolt at the furthest enemy, dealing X damage and stunning them for X seconds. The bolt then chains to nearby enemies, dealing reduced damage.
:sparkles:Fantastic Damage

Purple Skill - Tide Turner
When Percy’s health drops below X%, he instantly recovers X% of his max HP and gains a damage reduction buff that decreases all incoming damage by X% for X seconds. This effect can only trigger once every X seconds (Or every wave).

Red Skill - Demigod’s Might
Each time Percy uses a skill, he gains a stack of “Demigod’s Might,” increasing his Basic Damage and Skill Power. Stacks are limited and reset after a certain period. As this skill levels up, either the amount of Skill Power/Basic Damage/Max HP or the limit of stacks increases.

  • X Skill Power
  • X Basic Damage
  • X Max HP


Percy Jackson/Maui - Demigods of the Sea
Campaign Name: Demigod Quest
Allies: Aladdin, Merlin, Hercules
Boost: +X Max HP
Star Effect: Tide Turner’s effects last X seconds longer

Percy Jackson/Zeus - Lightning Thief, Again
Campaign Name: Storm of Fury
Allies: Hades, Triton, Elsa
Boost: +X Skill Power
Star Effect: Bolt of Olympus stun lasts X seconds longer

Thanks for reading this concept! I worked really hard on it, and I hope you enjoyed it! Since this is my first real concept, I probably left out or messed up a few parts. If any other concept creator or DHBM player notices something I messed up, please feel free to reply. I want to get better at concept creating!

(The picture of Percy Jackson is from a card I got from Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Ultimate Guide written by Rick Riordan)


This is awesome! But you need to add a quote! :smiley:

Thanks so much! I didn’t realize that!

And please Read This Guide

  • Hope this helps smile :slight_smile:

Thanks! I’ve already read that guide and it really helped me with some parts in this concept, mainly the Disk and Red Skill boosts.

Well glad I could help!

You can do it! :slight_smile:

Thanks so much!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

(10 You’re Welcome)

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