State of the Game - February 2020

Tbh this game won’t last til year 3. Not worth the time and money to spend for the game anymore.
Level cap and Rank slow down have been requested, talked about, begged to happen for a very long time because we’re very much thinking about the state of the game. Yet nothing has changed. MANY PPL WILL LEAVE WHEN THE NEXT LEVEL CAP AND RANK INCREASE HAPPEN.
Just SLOW DOWN!!! Ffs


Yes, it’s race to level 165, not 160, you’re right.

No, I don’t need 800 chips for Duke or Animal.


This post basically slap in the face as it’s a post about “We will now listen to what players believe is required to fix this game”, then #1 request is slow down level cap and what do you guys do to answer that request? !!SLAP!! (You want slow down level cap? Not gonna happen! Here is another level cap increase and red6) slap slap slap… This is end for me with this game, no longer gonna spend any more money for getting slap in the face month after month, now is enough for my face getting slaps, bye!


The update was in game since last weeks app update. You can’t expect them to completely change their plan over night.

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Lol don’t tell me you believe what you just wrote?

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Several of my pals in game are starting to vanish! We’re not millionaires. I know perblue wants to make money, but those of us who spend sometimes still get blown out of the water. It’s hardly any fun anymore. I still find making new comps fun and the new toons. The level increases though cannot be done without spending a fortune. When badges are 1K+ with double drops it’s gotten outta hand. I’m in 19 and we recently got launchpad. Higher ups maxed him out quickly and he’s tearing up arena I can’t even compete!

I should add entire guild are disbanding because there are a few powerhouse guilds who are always maxed out. Which congrats for them except they are who dominate war, coli, and arena. If we can’t slow down can there be a compromise? Like comparable coli/challengers rank? Better war match ups? Mmr is not a reliable source anymore.


Just hilarious.
And again cap increase with new heroes. 1 week later again new heroes like what is wrong at the moment. We rarely get anything for free or compensation…
No real bug fixes just rush another cap to squeeze money. I‘m conpletely done with spending. Till stackable deals are back…

Guys stop wasting your time, leave this post (and the game) this is just a joke they do NOT listen to us at all.


What? No. There were several bug fixes. I’m going to assume you think “bugs” are synonymous with “issues”. It is not. “Bugs”, in video games, are just glitches, or problems with the coding. :upside_down_face:

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When is the next State of the Game update? this is a good idea and I look forward to this being a regular thing. this helps us users have an opinion, an “in” so to speak. This also keeps us all on the same page as far as things behind the scenes and such.


My guess 15 June since 2.1 is changing the requirements for game

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I really hope they have catch up mechanic’s in future patches.

And if anyone is unclear why I’m saying this, ill put it this way…

I play wow and atm its becoming alt friendly or trying to be in their eyes… you have 12 characters per realm, several catch up mechanic’s to help gear you up.

In Disney heroes, its a simple case of get xp, wait for stamina to replenish, get gold and, build/equip badges and promote/evolve… nothing really to help catch up unless people invest and buy…

As more and more heroes get added, itll only get worse unless PB changes the way works overall.


I second this.

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  • Adding new Guild Perks to help maxed out guilds.
    when can we expect to get level 5 guild perks in servers 19-22?
  • Releasing Arena & Coliseum Challenger Seasons.
    It’s been already 2 Seasons of Coliseum Challenger in server 21-22, but Arena is not even at 100 players in challengers, could you implement the Freeze timers in the server so we can actually get Arena challengers seasons going?

@Polaris Can you check with your team regarding the continuation of these “State of the Game” updates? Thanks in advance.


I believe we have a State of the Game post and Dev Q&A in the works!


When will the Q&A take place? And when will the State of the Game post be released? Soon? In a few months?

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Just food for thought regarding badges and ranks. Wouldnt it be better if old badge bits would be added to mosf chapters but based on chapter locks etc??? That would solve the catch up on ranks


Either that or a higher chance for double drop on lower chapters


It would also be helpful if they put old badges that are in high demand / frequently used for crafting in the new chapters (e.g. FA Shears, Deus Sword, Wicked Beats, Hunny Pot, etc) instead of putting badges that are already in Trials (and we therefore already have thousands of bits).

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