Stop putting Shank in Goofy-Mickey friend campaign

Like my title, I can’t believe how many times I have fought Shank in the first 3 chapters of Goofy-Mickey friend campaign

I fought her once in chap 1, twice in chap 2 and chap 3. I don’t know about the upcoming chap because I’m stuck. At chap 3. And the reason???

Shank!!! It’s Shank!!!

Don’t be mistaken. I love her. She is one of my main heroes. But let’s admit one fact, she is extremely hard to defeat without high fantastic damage dealers. And I have faced her 5 times already!!! Mainly with only normal damage dealers!!!

What is that? I can’t understand the logic after putting that many Shanks in one single campaign!!!

I mean no disrespect, but If you like her that much, you could put her statue in your living room for all I care, just not in this campaign

Facing Shank, Felix, Gaston and Buzz, I could kill the other three off, but couldn’t even hurt Shank. For god’s sake, her HP bar doesn’t even move :frowning:

This is purely ridiculous and nearly (if not frankly) impossible!!!


Im having the same problem! Also facing her on invasions breaker quest is aargh.


In breaker quest, it’s actually easier. Because we can choose our own team. And if we can’t beat her the first time, we could kill all her teammates and try again

Not to mention, we have some buffs to use. For example, decrease enemies’ reality one

And what do we have in friend campaign???

A bunch of heroes we (usually) don’t use. No buff. We can’t continue where we left off

Literally nothing

Except the frustration of trying too many times with the very same horrible result


This is what I have to face :slight_smile: seriously, is that even normal?

I defeated Gaston, Felix and Buzz. Meanwhile, Shank didn’t even get hurt

This is crazy. Why in the world someone would intentionally make such a terribly hard campaign???


Bad news for you. My goofy is maxed at 06 and level 119. My Mickey and Hercules is also stronger than what you have posted. My badges are maxed on all items and I’m also stuck at chapter 3. I cant even damage Shank at all


Someone in my guild said that there’s also an impossible shank in duke caboom- woody campaign. Seriously perblue, make the friendship possible to complete at the level which it is unlocked. Don’t make artificial difficulty by basically putting a brute in a normal damage only campaign.


I think I just realized why you are struggling. You need to get your herc to O1. At that point he gains enough armor negation to put a dent in shank’s hp bar.

I’ve gotten this disk to campaign 5 with only goofy and Mickey (my server doesn’t have a single hero to help them) we have one member of our guild who has the disk with just these 2 heroes. So it’s totally possible, with that said, it absolutely sucks and I agree shank is too much in these missions.

I only have Mickey and goofy. I am stuck on 7-5. The second wave is shank, dash, eve and elastagirl. Dash is easy enough to get rid of. I have to time it right to run to elastagirl and eve when shank uses her white skill. I usually get everyone knocked out with 28 seconds left. I only can get shank to about 1/4 of her health when time runs out.

Mickey and goofy are both 91 max skills, O0 with max enhanced badges, don’t want to promote to O1 until I get more badges ready. I am using goofy’s Badge with Jessie only 1 Star. mickeys Badge with jack. I couldn’t Mickey get past the first wave without the extra health.

I think if I could get lucky in the memory shop with goofy/Jessie memories and get to 2 stars. I think I could get past the wave.

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FYI, this is what one of my guild mates has to face in Duke Caboom’s friend campaign

The thing is, we are from server 12, and our max lv is 120 :slight_smile:

Need I say more?

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I’m out of badges for Herc :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: I even maxed his green and blue skills for lv 112, but not helping :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

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My Jessie is a joke :frowning: and in my server, their friendship is not easy either

My guild leader have 2 of them max skilled at lv 116, badges equipped and can’t even finish their campaign :frowning:

I thought about Jessie’s disc too but then realized I couldn’t complete it either. And then I’m, stuck. Againnnnn

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After messing with my mods I was able to get the little extra I needed to get past that shank and finish the campaign with just Mickey and goofy.

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After maxing all Hercules’s 4 skills, upgrading him to O0, which is the best I could do at this moment, equipping 2 mods for him (Basic damage and skill power), enhancing all his badges, getting his friend disc and leveling it up to lv 72, I still couldn’t finish this stage @@

Honestly, I don’t think they want us to complete this friendship. And hey, at least they are ignoring us like usual so I think this is not important to them ( neither are we for that matter)

So, the mystery remains. How in the world can I pass this god-forsaken stage???


Get herc to o2. O2 gives him a ton of armor negation. It’s either that, or wait for perblue to change it(which is unlikely).

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Change it? Most unlikely true, they won’t.
Other than that is wait for a difficult decrease since it seems they have been doing it from time to time.


7-5 is killing me too. With luck and timing I can get to just shank left and get her down to about 25%. I’ve wasted way to much friend stamina on this quest and am giving up for now as well. S16 so no Hercules.

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Going off of what someone else told me on S16:

Goofy & Micky need to be O1 6/6 enchanted
Need the Jessie & Jack Skelly Disks

On the shank wave in 7-5, you need to hit Micky, then goofy white as soon as you’re on screen (before shank can finish moving), then go auto. It’ll be extremely close.

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I wouldn’t think the Skellington disk would have any effect since the friendship does not have any damage heroes

Hrm true.
That might have been placebo effect.

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