The Concepts Bin of ScroogeMas

Maybe I should watch it I heard Kermit was in it

Well Kermit is an easter egg in that show

If you want to continue the Darkwing Duck series, I can always help out with concepts. :slight_smile:


  • Added Anne Boonchuy
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I request a Basil refresh

I already did thatā€¦

My apologies LOL

Yes you did

@ScroogeMcValentine A Goofy Refresh would be nice

He doesnā€™t need one though.

Idk, doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t make one :slight_smile:

If I make one, then it will be pretty unnecessary

Can U make a concept of Quasimodo?

Sure, Iā€™ll do that.

EDIT: Forgot that I closed requests so Iā€™ll still do him

You know who Iā€™m talking bout, the one from HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME?

Hey, I see that you make an Amphibia concept (in this case, Anne) can you do more Amphibia, like anyone of the Plantars (Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop), please?

I have plans for them. So, Iā€™ll do them.

Requests are now open! (I totally forgot I closed them)

Do Knuckleā€™s!(sonic)

Actually no do Minecraft Steve!

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