This game has a powercreep problem

I did say heroes should have roughly the same numbers.

Nobody listens, nobody cares. And here… we got the end result sadly.


Kuzcos disks…wtf? Even at 1 star they are way to busted.

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PB have long stopped trying to be balanced but now they can’t even be bothered to PRETEND they are, it seems.


Powercreep issues become such a problem in PvE modes; patch trials are ridiculous now that enemies have access to tier 4 patches before anyone else can, on top of the CPU using heroes that are all ridiculously overpowered now

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Sheesh, that’s the biggest headache, to be honest.

PvP? Fine, nature of meta means people are just going to use the most effective stuff they have and not put much Interesting thought into it. But PvE? That’s just purposefully screwing people over.


We appreciate everyone’s feedback and will do our best to improve this situation, but this is not something that can be remedied immediately. The rest of the team was made aware of this post and I’ll continue to bring it up :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you for patience and understanding while we determine the best course of action here; it’s not an easy one to figure out.


I believe the thing annoys people the most is the friend campaigns. They are too hard now

So, pls while you are working on the debuff for those campaigns, you could take a look at the friendship power-ups too

The bonus they provide is minimum and the time they need is too much. Pls consider buffing friendship power-ups and reduce its mission time.


I appreciate and understand that the powercreep problem is one that’ll take time to resolve, but it’s also a problem that by it’s very nature will continue to get worse as new heroes get realised with this current trend, Kuzco being a prime example.

Especially with refreshes utterly throwing off the progression of power for newer players and subsequently messing up campaigns.

The only way I see it getting resolved going forward is if this is as strong as new heroes get, full stop. With new heroes specialising in niches rather than being broadly, immensely powerful.
Then, when patch refreshes hit, every hero in each patch franchise is brought up to roughly the same strength. That way, the issue with campaign disruptions become easier to manage, and overtime the roster’s overall power will equalise.

I know that trying to balance a roster of over 200 heroes is not an easy task, and I don’t envy the developers for having to contend with it, but the alterative isn’t viable for extended play.


Not to mention the time consuming and costly process of leveling up heroes to get them strong enough.

We are at the levels that have gotten into the 300s now and ranks in emerald. With that comes extremely high prices and even more complicated badge recipes. It totally depletes your gold if you’re in the higher levels for both skills and badges craft costs. And you spend so much time doing so, you don’t have time to play the game.

And when you do, it too late when the overpowered heroes started rolling rendering the entire process pointless and useless.


I’m not familiar with coding but slightly decreasing pegasus blue and putting a cooldown on negaducks horned king disc would solve about 60% of the issues going on right now

Also I would love to know what percentage of people are using negaduck pegasus and Abu in arena teams I know Zeus was nerfed cause he was in EVERY arena team but he was a lightweight compared to nega and pegasus :man_shrugging:t2:

The refreshes this go around are quite balanced surprisingly but still don’t hold a tooth to pegasus and negaduck


Power creep indeed - this Kuzco disk is absurd!

I tried fighting Y10 Kuzco in surge who had this disk, and despite having triple the power and keeping the enemy team pinned to the back wall and fully disabled, I could not KO anyone - the heal overrode all the damage I was dealing out. Major concern for unpassable roadblock here…

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Power never meant anything. There are heal sources which heal more. And this disk won’t scale, a lot in early stage, not as much in lategame.

There is a indeed a serious issue with power creep as well as balance issues. I can’t even progress in campaigns anymore because my ‘‘old’’ heroes are heavily disadvantaged against the power creep of the newer heroes. I tried leveling my heroes up and ranking up their badges, but my team still gets blown away because they get stunned for a prolonged time, some enemies literally will not go down due to their abilities or my ENTIRE team just gets blown away within the first few seconds.

I honestly do not care about having the newest heroes or the highest rank as a FTP player, but I would still like to be able to make SOME progress at my own pace. At this rate, I literally can’t make any progress at all.

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Well, on one hand it is not, on the other hand it kind of is.

I mean, what the part of the design team behind the skills has to keep in mind is a certain value that they want to keep the heroes within.
Because the only powercreep problem we got here is that some heroes (particularly new and recently refreshed ones) deal damage/heal/shield 1000x higher than some other heroes (particularly the oldest, yet not or deeply in the past refreshed.

Hence why it would be better to start balancing by having one value, one formula for every hero, see how they do and go from there.
Instead of having the scale from small billions to trillions+.

Another recent problem with the refreshes - particularly visible on Mike, there needs to be a balance of raising a skill level and raising a disk level.
That one is by now completely obsolete.
Because certain disks just cause the skills to go from low billions to trillions even not even fully maxed just cause the scaling is off the roof.

I can repeat what I said before:
For Emerald+0, level 390 hero stats should be close to:

Max HP - 10 Billions
Basic Damage, Skill Power, Armor, Reality - 1 Billion

And refresh the heroes a bit here and there once we stabilize some scale again. Players are actually a very good source of testing too. And tier lists are based on that testing.


I think every role should have a standard. A damage hard cap for heroes that aren’t DPS. A health/armor/reality hard cap for non tanks. Heal per second cap for non support. Control is a little different, but maybe a debuff cap for non control heroes.

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Yes I do think this too.

…Eda’s Meilin disk can reduce the enemy BD and SP by about 10 times more than any team is liable to have, even if dedicated to SP or BD buffing… Seriously, how does anyone in development look at that and think “yup, this is perfectly fine.”?

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So… It has come to my attention that… Eda is getting a buff… because people complained she wasn’t strong enough?!?!

Wow! What the actual heck, people? Can someone who asked for that come here and explain why they thought that? And please give me a reason that doesn’t basically translate to “We’re used to the newest hero being ridiculously over-powered.”


It was basically troll requests from people who like The Owl House and wanted her to be super OP

PB actioning that feedback within hours despite supposedly having spent days/weeks finely tuning her balance seems rather absurd :man_shrugging:


Eda (already) got buff, she won’t get stronger now.

Fun story, but not. Damage was way lower than anything recent. Idk who asked for bigger BD/SP debuff, but it did happen too.

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