Unfortunately we don’t have something like this at school…
Insert Bugs Bunny meme.
We should get back on topic now.
In The Little Mermaid, what is Sebastian’s full name?
But I like to do it in German or to get the things I want… Funkos… Disney+… Spotify…
Yep. Good idea!
Horatio Thelonious Ignacious Crustaceous Sebastian
Did my question get brushed aside?
Nope, not it
Wish he’s panchito of “da sea”
A squeaky toy?
Fixed spelling.
Better, that’s right.
Autocorerrect, am I right or what
Wikipedia. I knew it but wanted to double check.
Your teachers would be so disappointed in you right now lol
Nope not a toy
I usually never use it. Also, it can be helpful despite what middle school teachers say. High school teachers and college professors know.
I used to use it every day, I have a folder of Disney characters from Wikipedia and the Disney wiki
I think mine always did. Because no one responded. I may want to close the topic cause people are taking control of it. And I don’t like the look of it.
Well, don’t talk bad about me. And bye.
Well you were not around to make questions. You cannot force anyone to answer your questions. Also, I will say this one more time - make more challenging trivia. It will make more people want to answer them.
You were not around, so we did not know. Also, it seems like this should a thread we can share.