Tigger Character Concept


Position: Front

Type: Control

“Name’s Tigger T-I-double grrr that spells Tigger”

Tigger uses his pep and bouncing skills to give his allies the upper hand

Entrance: bounces onto screen

Victory: bounces with delight

Defeat: Falls to ground and covers his eyes in fright

White skill: Consider Yourself Pounced: Tigger pounces on an enemy stunning them

Green Skill: woopie dooper bounces: winds up to plow through is enemy

Blue skill: bounce like a tigger: bounces to pep up his teammates by giving them extra energy

Purple skill: the most wonderful thing about tiggers: bounce like a tigger gives teammates an increase in attack speed



Campaign: Exotic Type Mammals: Tigger and Stitch set out to find out exactly what Stitch is

Disk: The Only One: Consider Yourself Pounced steals energy

Judy Hopps:

Campaign: Training Day: Judy is doing some training and Tigger volunteers to join her.

Disk: What Tiggers Do Best: Whoopie Dooper Bounce increase Tigger’s attack speed


I love tigger!great concept!!!

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