That one is just a wee bit better
I think it’s way better,Cars kinda died out
Or should I say burned out
Revenge on what? Voting out Finding Dory?
In that case you can better vote A Goofy Movie out. That’s REAL revenge. Now you just do what they want!
I am not a fan of both. It is revenge when Dash (and Rino) tortured me with Pedro.
Well Rino wants Cars out, so you cannot have Revenge on both really.
So help us get Goofy movie out for Revenge? Cars will follow soon after anyway
Please No
Also @TheCannonCart and @Dash_XXXIII
Prince Aamir would probably sacrifice Inside out for A Goofy Movie. I want it to go to the top 3 at least.
So maybe rethink your vote
Why don’t get both to top 3
Because two other movies (Toy Story 3 and UP) deserve it much better to get there.
Any movie deserves it better than A Goofy Movie to get there actually. Remember I want to eliminate it?
(Oh and if you disagree got watch first 10 minutes of UP and last 10 minutes of Toy Story 3 and then come back)
Ready to feel the pain shown above Lucas?
I already felt pain when we failed to eliminate Goofy Movie once, so I probably be able to endure if it fails again.
But hopefully I won’t have to #VOTEOUTGOOFYMOVIE
Lion king should go instead
Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!
The fact that this has zero likes proves nobody here is a memelord, and that is fact.
I just didn´t like it
changes vote to cause chaos