
I thought I would share…
I found a superhero named Katherine Pride Aka Shadowcat.
She has the ability to morph through walls. She has a purple dragon named Lockhead.
If I had put her instead of Figment, a purple dragon would have made it further.


Do you know Polaris?

I know Polaris from PerBlue but not Polaris in Marvel… I do not know many Marvel characters in general

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So rather majority don’t know Polaris…

2 is not majority :confused:

I love marvel. But even I don’t know who that is.

I also dont know Polaris from Marvel

Make that 5, Dujak…
Plus Polaris is only here because someone found them lately (somehow…)

It’s just for the meme/obvious reasons like that Polar bear… and it’s not even funny.

I actually was looking at Magneto after watching X-Men Apocalypse again, and then the article was suggested. I thought she was cool and thought it was ironic that the community manager shares the same :man_shrugging:
I don’t see the problem with introducing unknown characters to one another.


If you guys want to learn more about Polaris, look at her Marvel Database page here. :wink:


“Mind Controlled by Shi’ar”

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Oh, trust me, that’s normal for Marvel. :joy:

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Hawkeye: Flashbacks


See, I think it is fun to learn about obscure characters like Polaris.
Wait! She isn’t Magneto’s daughter? But she has matching suits with Wanda :sweat: Or she is? I’m confused.


Well, no. The situation is very, very complicated for all of his supposed children. It’s partially why a lot of people feel X-Men is more complicated than it should be. Lots of plotholes actually.

Ah, the good old days of 2012. When people forgot Hawkeye existed. They still do 9 years later. :relieved:


3… Hours… Left…

It’s accurate now.

Now, time to stop misquoting


Bye Bye Carnage! :grin:

Notice how everyone who has been eliminated so far seem to be around the same location :eyes:

  • Scarlet Witch
  • Thanos
  • Black Panther
  • Bucky Barnes
  • Venom
  • Magneto
  • Rocket Racoon
  • Polaris
  • Deadpool
  • Ultron
  • Quicksilver
  • Loki
  • Spider-Man
  • Wasp
  • Captain America
  • Wolverine
  • Ms. Marvel
  • Stan Lee
  • She-Hulk
  • Professor X
  • Black Widow
  • Iron Man
  • Star-Lord
  • Iron Patriot
  • Thor
  • Doctor Strange
  • The Hulk
  • Groot
  • Ant-Man

0 voters

Special Thanks to @Commander-Rex who has been hired as the “Gif Supplier” for this Elimination Game! :grin:

I told you to use the “What A Twist” gif :wink:
Anyway, I think Ultron or Thanos now.
and Dash, PM me and I will supply the next GIF

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