
Typical of humans… they never think beyond the surface. Wasp will pay for this. :angry:


What did she do to you?

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That’s kinda terrifying


I already explained why I don’t like her in an earlier part of this elimination game. Also most of the characters left I like.

If you do that, you’ll regret it!

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Yes yes it is.

Says the person who wants Quicksilver out

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“He who eliminates Quicksilver gets eliminated himself”
I know Joy is a she, but I wrote it like one of the old prophecies :sweat_drops:

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@BlackBOY :eyes:

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What does that have to do with anything?

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When are you going to post the next round?

Lol, thanks for reminding me almost forgot :woozy_face:


Wasp has been hit by a fly swatter and is AnGrY!

24 Remain :thinking:

  • Scarlet Witch
  • Thanos
  • Black Panther
  • Bucky Barnes
  • Venom
  • Rocket Racoon
  • Deadpool
  • Quicksilver
  • Loki
  • Spider-Man
  • Captain America
  • Wolverine
  • Ms. Marvel
  • Stan Lee
  • She-Hulk
  • Black Widow
  • Iron Man
  • Star-Lord
  • Iron Patriot
  • Thor
  • Doctor Strange
  • The Hulk
  • Groot
  • Ant-Man

0 voters

This right here could solve world hunger if they did it with other foods :joy:

Time to eliminate Thanos or She-Hulk!

Or actually no, She Hulk next. No eliminating Thanos. He’s too memable to get voted out. :triumph:

I guess my gifs aren’t good enough… :cry:

Well, I already got Rex getting them :sweat_smile:

If you want, we could alternate gifs. We could be co workers in the “Gif Supplier” department. :grin:

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