


I was hoping for that, too.
But he lost already. Oh no!

Rhodey now. No eliminating Thanos. :angry:



How dare you eliminate She-Hulk! :rage:

Weā€™re closing in, only a little longer to go!

Goodbye Iron Patrio-

As the days go on, the Finals should arriveā€¦ :eyes:

:x: :four_leaf_clover::
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Thanos
  • Black Panther
  • Bucky Barnes
  • Venom
  • Rocket Racoon
  • Deadpool
  • Quicksilver
  • Loki
  • Spider-Man
  • Captain America
  • Wolverine
  • Ms. Marvel
  • Stan Lee
  • Black Widow
  • Iron Man
  • Star-Lord
  • Thor
  • Doctor Strange
  • The Hulk
  • Groot
  • Ant-Man

0 voters

Thanks once again Rex! :)

This means: Spark-Collage :eyes:

Thanos must been eliminated! :angry:

Venom now. No eliminating Thanos. :angry:

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Ok then, Iā€™ll vote Vemon eliminated then THANOS!

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Glad you agreed. But even then, Thanos wonā€™t be eliminated. As he saidā€¦


So is his elimination :upside_down_face:

Venom is much better than Mr. Snap fingers.

No eliminating this time. :angry:

I understood that reference.

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You think, Thanos should be win?

No. But he should beat out some of the people here. After all, heā€™s a meme lord and an incredible villain. Josh Brolin owned the movies as him. :grin:

He already did that. Poor kool aid man

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