
Venom: (To those who eliminated Venom) So many snacks, so little time.

No, Bucky has one more over Thanos? :open_mouth:

We cannot allow this. Vote Thanos out now. :triumph:

You’re welcome.

How could you vote out Bucky? :sob:

He’s Marvel’s Rasputin. Keep him. :rage:

Please. One more Thanos vote for a tie. :pleading_face:

:two: :crazy_face:

Close the polls early to eliminate Bucky and catch Rex off guard


you’re welcome

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Yesss. Thanks. My boi lives another day. :relieved:

He leaves tomorrow :crazy_face:

Don’t be so certain.

Tomorrow, Ms. Marvel and then him on Tuesday. :grin:

Ms. Marvel is better.


Eh. Bucky needs it. The man has been through everything and he should make it higher for himself and Sam who’s not here. :angry:

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Loki shouldn’t be here, and Black Widow to a lesser extent. Star-Lord too.

Loki, I can understand. But Natasha? No way. She’s the soul of the Avengers team.

And Quill is Quill. No ifs, ands or buts.

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What about Doctor Strange? Groot? Heck, maybe even Quicksilver?? Just not Ms. Marvel, at least not now.

I don’t know guys, kind of looks like a draw.

Looks like a tie
I have the perfect gif for this. :smirk:

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Please, one more vote for Thanos quickly. :pleading_face:

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