
It doesn’t matter how she needs to go

It was supposed to be a karate joke.

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I know it was

Still,Kermit didn’t deserve that

Ba dum tss

Thank you. Thank you. I’ll be here all week.

No seriously tho,poor Kermit

Oh. I’m sure he’s fine.

She broke his flysac

That was 40 years ago, Kermit’s fine.


Miss Piggy: I love you Kermit,by the way, get PORK CHOPPED

He is scarred for life

Dude, It was supposed to be joke. Calm down.

I know,I’m just saying,

You know what? Forget it. I was trying to be funny.

Who said you werent?

I know that, but you made a big stink about Miss Piggy chopping Kermit. That always happens.

I never made a big stink,just said he didn’t deserve it

Yeah he didn’t deserve it,the show only did it for comedy.

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Guys, fighting isn’t helping matters…

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