

1 Like

No! Your Majesty must remain standing!

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No! She must stay longer!


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Oh, I DO think so!

She can eliminate those under 20% of their Max HP!


Slaps everyone that voted for Yzma and Rafiki so hard they fall below 20% of their Max HP

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I’m kinda surprised that Megavolt is still in the game lol

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History has it’s eyes on you for voting Rafiki…

Megavolt is amazing, what r u talking about, he’s basically a Mulan counter

I don’t really use Megavolt that much

I’ve used him in surge

But he can get defeated easy…


Amelia also suffers the same problem, but that can be covered up with good defenses like Maximus or Baloo.

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I mean, in all seriousness, I really do see the points you all make. I just love Megavolt and Rafiki and it pains me to see them get voted out

And exactly, Megavolt can be awesome with a good defense like them or Baymax even

Rafiki, you must go because many people voted for you…

Round 7:

  • Disgust
  • Jafar
  • Baloo
  • Sadness
  • Slinky Dog
  • Goofy
  • Megavolt
  • Queen of Hearts
  • Yzma

0 voters

That’s generally how eliminations work lol…


Still going QOH, #SorryNotSorry


Thankfully, Yzma is still here

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Its a matter of time

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