
Wha…. What is he even paying for???

Jack now.
Bill next!

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And no.

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If you say so :man_shrugging:


Ok. No.

Votes for Mini.

Why would you vote for Mini-Max out? Mini-Max is precious! :pouting_cat:

Because Prince won’t vote for Bill, and so the contract did break.


I really don’t care this, so I’m gonna vote out Bill after Jack. Djaq did vote this I’ve never heard of Bill.

So time to kick Jack now, but Bill must go next. Djaq created too much pain already!

Why do you want to get rid of Bill in the first place?

He’s an ok villain for me, other characters deserve to be eliminated more than him imo.


Mini-Max was never special to me :yawning_face:

Bill never was special either, appeared like… 3 times, and got beaten by 50 IQ kids…

Eh. And nowhere classic and nostalgic as most around here.


Djaq? Uh… not gonna say it.

But you are trying to eliminate Bill for LEGIT no reason other than Djaq’s existence… please have a reason to vote a character that isn’t because someone else like them… (like you and ENA)


Because Djaq completely didn’t do same to Chance and Luz.

Definitely not. Stop being biased. :unamused:

Oh, and then Djaq voted for Garfield just because I like cats “and me being in pain”.
What a double standards. Stupid.


You know that’s not true. Bill is from a different dimension, he has a (sad) backstory, and there is a lot of mystery surrounding him (and Grunkle Stan)

I didn’t really do it to attack you :yawning_face:

People were already voting him out

Not many were already voting ENA out before you made your statement to vote her out to save Tintin

And it’s cute that you don’t think you like seeing me in pain :yawning_face:

Still thinking of yourself too much.

Ena thing had already bunch of votes before mine.

And if that’s a reason, why kick Luz, she has it all much better, and more.

Poor biased views. Saaaaaaad.

Quick Reminder.

DO NOT AND I MEAN DO NOT vote for someone just because they’re a fan favorite of someone else. If you do hate that character, it’s fine, but remember:


Still trying to put me in a bad light

Still lying

2/3 is a bunch, I know

She’s the protagonist. Protagonists tend to not have much mystery surrounding them

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Bill sucks. He should go out next.
He can’t do anything right, and isn’t even fascinating or something.

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