
First DHBM.
Secondly Among Us - garbage.
Then all anime games, one by one, with no mercy.
Then that weird FNF…
Some weird nintendo games…

After that, we will see. :smiley: :kiss:

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It’s just an RPG stylized Super Paper Mario imo.

You shouldn’t count fandoms at all though, it doesn’t matter for the game :confused:

Undertale isn’t bad. Among Us is still good too imo

FNF… never played it but I’m still leaving it alone until the killing ones are gone


After FNF, I am not joking I am going on a crusade against Undertale. Not only do I despise the fanbase, but the game ruined OneShot from becoming popular (it’s pretty much the same situation as Fall Guys and Among Us)

Again the fanbase doesn’t matter

Among Us should burn and get eliminated ASAP.

It seems that it will become a factor, mainly if FNF (A game with a lot of incredible mods but has a toxic community) is out first that ET (The game is known just because it sucks I think)

It doesn’t deserve to be out quickly if it’s good but community is bad
And besides all fanbases have toxic people

I just never heard of it so… :sweat_smile:

Oh the ET game is AWFUL, search it up real quick everyone. Second most terrifying game with the initial T in it

These two statements are contradictory.


Just a line below… :confused:

Yeah I saw that, but I think it’s still contradictory.

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I had so many franchises to choose from, it’s sad to say that MGR won’t be on here, but it’s for the better (it’d probably be the most violent thing in ANY elimination game)

It looks terrible…

Well it’s not lasting long probably

In case someone wants to access the list, I am replying.

Never mind, My Hero One’s Justice is going first, :face_vomiting:

I didn’t know that either but…

It doesn’t look even remotely as bad?

how DARE you

I seriously don’t get what’s with you and anime :man_shrugging:

Just focus on the storylines instead of the art style :neutral_face:


Sorry, but I just can’t stand MHA, it’s super overrated and hasn’t been good since the first season.

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