
Squidward, Tom and Daffy would all work for me

Stitch shouldn’t have made top 10 at all imo…

I’m just gonna wait for Stitch to see this instead of pinging him now.


Squidward for the win-ward!!

You shouldn’t have said that…

Totally agreed :confused:

Well, I really like Stitch, but I don’t want to him who deserves to win again. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Shego is not good for health…… same for stitches… scooby do for the win! :sun_with_face:

I have seen all the comments. Since I am too busy and tired I will not respond, but I am not happy lol.


With who we are left with, Stitch is the clear winner

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Scooby Doo not stitch please :worried:


Stitch would be way too predictable as the winner


Fine. I am fine with Scooby since he is a fun character as well.

Scooby or Squidward for the win. :ok_hand:

Wouldn’t it be funny if this aged horribly, hehe?

Well Shego and Kim gone bugs has to win this

I wouldn’t be to surprised, Obi-Wan deserved to win the last game but instead the old booger won.

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That blue hair ball has to leave now!


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Yeah I do wonder why I even bother to vote…

Stitch is the only good remaining character. So many good ones that deserved to win have left. :cry:

Stitch can just go to water! :smiling_imp:

Notice how I put I had to

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