
Concept Kat. I hope this is the last time I have to tell you this, but. Just. Stop.

I put no-one to be 2nd in charge. Please stop saying "get those votes in on elimination games that aren’t yours. It’s getting very annoying that you aren’t listening to everyone after we tell you to stop dozens of stop. So, from now on, please stop telling people to get their votes in on elimination games that aren’t yours. If people don’t want to vote on my elimination game, I’m fine with that.


How are people choosing 4th graders over foxes?!


I- I can’t introduce all of the forums lol, but I will correct @Totally_Regular_Bro’s post. There is no forum clan, there is only a community of people who check out this game’s patch notes and much more.

when u ever got 2nd in charge role? :rofl:


Probably when they visited the nation of Imagi.
Imagination (ba dum tss)


Thanks haha

Nick Wilde was close to that victory!

Which means that…Dash is our winner!

Congratulations to Dash, and Congratulations to all of the competitors!

Final Results:

The Next Elimination Game will start later today.



(Stupid overrated speedster…)


Let Elimination Game 2 begin!

Round 1:
Vote for who you want out!

  • Scar
  • Malifecent
  • Evil Queen
  • Hades
  • Cruella De Vil
  • Jafar
  • Magica De Spell
  • Mark Beaks
  • Mother Gothel
  • Dr. Facilier
  • Oogie Boogie
  • Ratigan
  • Yzma
  • Queen of Hearts
  • Prince John
  • Captain Hook
  • Ursula
  • Pete
  • Syndrome
  • Screenslaver

0 voters

1 Like

Never liked Mark Beaks… shudders


I hope the Queen wins, or be one of the top 5.


He’s like Louie but way more annoying and lazy, he doesn’t even walk

When is next vote ?

Mark Beaks is the first competitor for this game to get out!

Round 2:

  • Scar
  • Evil Queen
  • Hades
  • Malifecent
  • Cruella De Vil
  • Jafar
  • Magica De Spell
  • Mother Gothel
  • Dr. Facilier
  • Oogie Boogie
  • Ratigan
  • Yzma
  • Queen of Hearts
  • Prince John
  • Captain Hook
  • Ursula
  • Pete
  • Syndrome
  • Screenslaver

0 voters

Screenslaver is no longer in control.

Round 3:

  • Scar
  • Evil Queen
  • Hades
  • Malifecent
  • Cruella De Vil
  • Jafar
  • Magica De Spell
  • Mother Gothel
  • Dr. Facilier
  • Oogie Boogie
  • Ratigan
  • Yzma
  • Queen of Hearts
  • Prince John
  • Captain Hook
  • Ursula
  • Pete
  • Syndrome

0 voters

1 Like

Prince John has been overthrown!

Round 4:

  • Scar
  • Evil Queen
  • Hades
  • Malifecent
  • Cruella De Vil
  • Jafar
  • Magica De Spell
  • Mother Gothel
  • Dr. Facilier
  • Oogie Boogie
  • Ratigan
  • Yzma
  • Queen of Hearts
  • Captain Hook
  • Ursula
  • Pete
  • Syndrome

0 voters

Mr Krab: What a baby


Pete got the Yeet!

Round 5:

  • Scar
  • Evil Queen
  • Hades
  • Malifecent
  • Cruella De Vil
  • Jafar
  • Magica De Spell
  • Mother Gothel
  • Dr. Facilier
  • Oogie Boogie
  • Ratigan
  • Yzma
  • Queen of Hearts
  • Captain Hook
  • Ursula
  • Syndrome

0 voters

Who ever voted for him will now get the yeet


Pete? PETE!?

Such a classic.

Say bye to Ratigan!

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