
Yes, I was joking. I am a mega star wars fan.

As are you fellow star wars enthusiasts!

That is… not really what they took the joke as. The joke was directed towards them not you. :neutral_face:

Is that better? :thinking:

Yes much better. And you are not the only SW mega fan :slight_smile:


Phew, I thought I there was nobody else here who liked star wars. Thank god.

I would be surprised if this was actually the case.

1 Like

Now it’s just time to see who likes it the most… tommorow, as I need a nap :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Yup! Good Job eliminating this meme! :grin:


Round 20
  • Life is good, but it can be better
  • [visible confusion]
  • Change My Mind
  • Am I a Joke to You?
  • Regular, Fancy, Derpy Pooh
  • Pikachu Surprised

0 voters

1 Like

How dare you vote out star wars :joy::joy:

Well this meme is a joke to 12 forumers…

Top 5!

Round 21
  • Life is good, but it can be better
  • [visible confusion]
  • Change My Mind
  • Regular, Fancy, Derpy Pooh
  • Pikachu Surprised

0 voters

I swear if Pedro does not make it to the top 3… I will not be happy. Vote out Pikachu and then some great memes will be left.

But I honestly like Surprised Pikachu more than Pedro Pascal…



I keep forgetting that I just ran out of likes…




My Dory-like brain almost tried liking it again…


This meme works for a lot of stuff… and I probably would slap Myeong

/s - just that last part though

1 Like

ALL of these memes work with a lot of stuff, though… INCLUDING SURPRISED PIKACHU!

Oof, Winnie The Pooh went off to look for Honey…
No Offense to those who voted for this meme, BTW

Top 4:

Round 22
  • Life is good, but it can be better
  • [visible confusion]
  • Change My Mind
  • Pikachu Surprised

0 voters

What? No one even said anything about that meme potentially getting eliminated yesterday lol. How???

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