
Dash already won a previous game, so he can’t really win again. :man_shrugging:

  1. Sees the logic of Djaq and Tragic-Magic
  2. Votes Mushu next round
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I said a previous game, not the exact game before it.

He won the first game.

Mushu also won a previous game. We got other rounds after his victory



Mushu won only ONCE in this SPECIFIC game.

Yes I know, but as I’m trying to show, same applies to Mushu. So just vote for who you like least, not who won a round before

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Eliminations after Mushu’s victory:

TND’s favorite disney/Pixar movies
Forumer’s favorite memes

So not exactly after


I’m just saying that I don’t want Dash to win again, sheesh!

Same here with Mushu! Good we understand each other

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Currently tied bruh! Lol
Don’t know if another tie-breaker would be needed.

If that is the case, both will be eliminated.

(Right, Dash?)




It doesn’t really matter if they already won…

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You all have 3 more hours to break the tie or both shall get eliminated.

Seems that two alts voted for Dash

I only think that @Lex_Wyse is an alt. So if they are an alt, then Clawhauser is at risk of leaving.

You’re just saying that because you want Dash to stay and win, don’t you?

There is no reason to believe they’re alts. It doesn’t make sense to say an account is an alt just because they’re not a very active forumer…

Just kick both…


They could be an alt, They might not. At the moment, both characters are tied and if the tie isn’t broken, then both are leaving

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