Unofficial Disney Heroes Battle Mode Contest

Why are these in bold?


Just For FUN?
I just did it for funā€¦:sweat_smile::joy:

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My personal favorite of the challenges. UGH this makes me want to go back to the game so bad, but I really shouldnā€™t.


I mean, I guess you can be in another guild, but it is mainly to make sure people arenā€™t actually on other servers cheating.

Oh. Cool !:upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

Can I submit a challenge? Is this one:
RinoĀ“stales: Level up 5 character of ducktales to level 100 :duck: :upside_down_face:

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I think I have a challenge

Grim times:
Unlock all villains and nightmare before Christmas heroes

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I guess Iā€™ll suggest one:

Brain Games

Win a City Watch on any difficulty using only a study team

What will the max level be 15? And will we tell you are in game name before we join?

I have an idea for a challenge
Have all the pirates of the carribean heroes above level 50.

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Howdy yā€™all, updated the main post with yallā€™s suggestions!

Though question, will you join the main contest guild?

  • Sure!
  • Iā€™ll find another

0 voters

I think the minimum level on the guild should be 15 that way we all can join. Until we are a good way though the contest.

There shouldnā€™t be a level requirement, that way we can all join immediately. Also, I believe level requirements for unlocking guilds are being removed :thinking:


Thats whay I said it should be 15 (the minimum level)

Also can we vote on the name of the guild. I have a couple of ideas if we are going to.

Sure go ahead!

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The minimum level is getting removed this update :neutral_face:

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IsnĀ“t 10 the minimum level?

Dhbm legends
The veterans (i believe this was already said by @Tragic-Magic)
The forumers
The disney fans
Unofficial contestants
Fantastic forumers
Terrific 24
The 24
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