It’s ready when Apple is done processing it. They usually take 1 hour. This is hour 22. How is this not apples fault? Did you read nothing before commenting?
Like seriously…
Google already has it showing up
Apple doesn’t. Look:
If it was approved then the app would say “Update”
We also can read, and not only has Polaris said we are waiting on it to show on apples end, others have testified to other games having the same issue yesterday. So there’s two pieces of evidence it’s apples fault, your evidence is…?
Their evidence is this:
Which isn’t really true, for there is a button for you to report
PerBlue might just have to resend the update
Yes the AppStore works well right
So…is this a proof of how great Apple is? It looks like they’re poisoned.
And Google had to adjust and wait because of this.
They don’t have a person that can help them like a assessor or something like that?
@Polaris have, as suggestion, consider call them for know what’s happening?
I’m sure Polaris and their team is doing their best to get the update live as soon as possible off Apple’s end, and even if they did all they could do, it’s up to Apple themselves to resolve the issue.
Everyone just needs to be patient, occupy your time with something else and before you know it, the problem will be resolved with a new update and all that good stuff…
Ich habe noch nie auf ein Update gewartet
Ich bin dafür viel zu beschäftigt mit anderen relevanten Sachen im Leben
Sich ständig darüber auf zu regen und ständig zu nörgeln bringt auch nichts
Es bring auch nichts ständig irgendjemandem die Schuld zu geben
mal hat google eine Verspätung mal hat Apple eine
Ihr müsst mal bedenken wieviel Apps und Updates die täglich zu bearbeiten haben
We’ve been in touch with their developer support. Hopefully, we’ll hear something soon!
Hopefully is the right word to address our thoughts
Hopefully it happens today. If not… there will be screaming at Apple
But it won’t take like typical support, 24-48h to respond from the other side?
looks like this apple is rotten i would not eat it
Just be patiënt it aint the end of the world.
@Polaris i would like to get more info about mega daily deals:
1 They are connected somehow to solo deals or to activate them any player will be forced to buy it without get any bonus item?
2 if someone has already the daily deal with 120 diamonds activated he can activate the mega daily?
3 what will happen after point 2? Activating both we will get everyday 120 + 400 or just one of them ?
Today brawl stars released update in afternoon ,and I updated the game from both ios and Android
I don’t know why they don’t resbond to other games