Patience is a virtue
The server takes time to apply an update and restart services…
Finaly an update
@Polaris i made the download theough the googlenplay store and now it keeps sending me to fourms is the game still under updating or why cant i log in
You can’t get on because the servers are down completing their updates
Im curious what Linguini and Remy look like
Why, because they have to shut the game down temporarily to provide free content and updates?
Please be patient! When you update your smart phones I’m sure it takes time to verify/install/restart. Servers are beastly machines and they take time to bring up
It’s still updating
Relax a bit
Remy HYPE!!!
Just one click when they are done and then I can play it
I meant the operating system for the phone, not an individual app. Anyway, it will happen… thirty mins is a long time but soon we will be back on
Probably just like in the cartoon. Lol
Argh…please! I want the update to be over ASAP!
We already have Merlin server 22
He is on the game, but there has been no way to obtain him since the time he was added
Current Status
Server update happening right now.
Update complete!
I will leave this with your permission @Polaris for those that ask for Linguini and Remy portrait.
Дайте уже Эльзу на 19 сервер.Уже играть надоело,хоть какой то стимул будет!!!