Update 2.0 Patch Notes

I’m talking to everyone

But why is Donald on the new icon? He’s been out for awhile…
It should be Mushu

I’m asking Umar Akubakr.

Let’s hope the update is done I will check I will tell you guys if it’s done or not


:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: that’s how I feel lol

I am sure it is me… but I don’t see Sven in any of Christoph’s moves, at any time on or off battle… or even in the hero pic icon? All the other multiple character teams (Simba and Nala, Gerald, Nemo, etc.) Have both heroes portrayed. Why is Sven not there if it’s supposed to be Christoph and Sven?

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I don’t know.

No i aint talking to u

Alright. Just wondering.

Rajah is not with Jasemin

Probably because they didn’t want the pay 2 different people to do the art work for the icon :joy:

Make a topic about it then

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One of Kristoff’s skills (the Green skill, if I remember right) lets him summon Sven. Admittedly, I also think it’s weird that this is how it is when the name Kristoff & Sven implies that the two of them would always be side by side in battle.

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I wish that the Mandalorian season two would be out and I also want the update to be done

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  1. Minutes Later.

Hey at least Hamilton is coming to Disney Plus

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It isnt Christoph , its kristoff

The update is complete!


Mushu!!! Can’t wait!!!

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