How did you get Hamm?
Yes. You won’t see the Hub until you’ve finished chapter 38.
Ok thank you
Then explain why he was a frontline with Baymax present
I don’t know if this has been mentioned, but Hamm red skill description is missing its variable (may fail against allies above X) or is this intentional?
Because he is back line… Nick and Tron are back line so he is within the range of back line heroes… he is within line of Baymax so I wouldn’t say he is in front of Baymax tbh
Baymax maybe the problem for you because of his delayed entrance??
Nope. It is not because of that. You even proved it in your last image.
I guess that’s how Polaris is like I’m at chapter 26
Ozi, the Hub is ch. 39
I know that and Polaris told me that I need to beat chapter 38 if I want to see the hub.
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