Update 2.6-A Patch Notes

This will give huge slap to all players, making it harder to max the huge number of heroes, or ANY number of hero(es). The economy problems with this game are already terrible, and the idea of newest CH cost 15 is gross, but increasing costs ALL across the campaign will definitely leave a scar and making another wave of people leaving the game.
(Any increase in normal campaign also increase in the elite)
Thankfully it won’t happen… I guess, this is DH, who knows?! :woman_shrugging:

PB should decrease the costs to 6 in all chapters, not increase them, or at least give more free stamina.

It’s just sad to watch the killing progress of this good game… ehh


I think what they’re doing is a reverse hydra process. Unlike cutting off one head and two more appear, Heal one head and two more die out. They’re advancing, but backwards. One step forward, two steps back.

What they should do to converse their “oh so precious” stamina costs is to AT LEAST increase the rewards to make sure the 15 stamina cost is worth it.


Looks like tomorrow most of us will have 2 main lands

Excuse me Kind Sir Polaris

What is The HUB
I’m in Team Level 50 at the moment I don’t seem to understand what the hub means Is it Campaign or something?

Also what team level do you need to be for the hub?

Oh the hub is campaign okay

This game is so hard alredy i agree stamina cost is way out there you cannot craft one red badge in a day cost to much stamina if u can craft one red badge in a day without buying anything or using double drops let me know how u did it…


And I need a plankton of them If I want to get everyone to red

Is the update already happening? Had nothing in my app store

It’s only a server (internet only) update. It’s not necessary an app update.

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Ok thanks :slight_smile:

Same here :neutral_face:

A lot of people are about to have the hub and I’m one of them

I’m excited for this!

The update is complete!

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