Update 2.7.10 Patch Notes

@Polaris kim refresh is terrible. Also new battle badges megabits ok. But xp drinks most people are struggling for them unless you are a whale. Will there be a new yellow rank xp bottle and a way to earn more reds? Or will we be ripped off again? If its being ripped off again im done!!!


Maybe it’s a bit too heavy word, but refresh definitely shouldn’t remove good parts of hero’s skill-kit.

I just hope PB will return the heal… at least.

Purple skill could give BD each time an enemy is studied or Kim uses White Skill. The current idea will remove TONS of basic damage and make purple mods useless.


I am perfectly fine with the kim refresh, I am now using Kim a lot more because I’m waiting for the refresh :joy:

But yeah, the removal of the heal on allies is annoying, but the stun removal is fine since now it has energy steal


Good morning,

Could a function be added to “power promote” a character to complete all badges and promote them at one time instead of having to complete each badge one at a time?

Thank you!

You mean like Auto-Promote but with multiple ranks?

Or Auto-Promote that also Power Crafts?

He/she meant this.

Yeah, that would make sense.

It should be implemented at a specific VIP Level, probably 6 or 7.

Same here dude

The Video Crates should expand to cover VIP 5, 6 and potentially 7. More diamonds in there (for free). And Quick Promote, Power Promote should be there.
Does VIP 7 have no cooldowns on Trial/Port?


Since VIP 4, actually

Nope. I am vip 5 and still have cooldown.
Halved with vip 5 but full up to vip 4

Oh it is VIP7.

Heroes Start At Level 10
Remove Ports Cooldown
Remove Trials Cooldown
Remove Coliseum Cooldown

Would be handy as a free video crate-able perk for all players.

You probably got confused with no cooldown video crates

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For Cars (you know from Pixar).

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@Polaris I just wanted to ask if y’all at PB looked at the friendships Kim is in and whether the friendships will be impossible now or not without her stun🤔Like how she’s in John Silver’s friendship and some of the fights would seem hard without her stun🤔 I see that her slowness is left but that doesn’t seem to last long now like her stun does/did😬


Each hero has 1 battle badge. Across all of your Battle Badges the first one to enhance is free, the next ones costs XP and Megabits. If you level up your Battle Badges, that removed the enhancement, so if you find yourself in a situation where none of your Battle Badges are enhanced, the first one you choose will again be free.

Battle Badges are unlocked with Megabits.

The Codebase trial is unlocked once a player has their first hero at yellow, so servers that are not at yellow yet will not have it available.


I can choose the heroes I want or have the rules of testing equipment?

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So if I level the Battle Badge with Y1, the enhancement is removed and I have to spend Hero XP and Megabits again? Got it correctly?

If that’s indeed right it sounds very bad in my head.


Promote with powercrafts. Essentially powercraft all 6 badges to promote to next level.

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