Update 3.4 Patch Notes

Either I’m stupid or…

What purple screen?

When you get in the game lol

That make sense because they were working on new characters

Ariel is the second representative of The Little Mermaid. Hope to see Chef Louis in the game too!

If I want to swear in private chat with my friend I should be allowed to. That’s why it’s called private. If players are having issues with be offended by others language then they should block them. Don’t punish other players. Most of us are adults who play. This is B.S. (I filtered myself because this is a public setting) Don’t take away our vulgar language!!!


Umm what are you talking about? :sob:

Not really…

I think more kids play the game than adults.

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Not really. Adults play in server 2. I’m friends with a lot of people, talk with them about their lives. Most of my friends are 30-60. I have one friend who is 18 or 19. Everyone else I talk to privately are adults. I’m just saying, get to know your friends before you use swear words or vulgar conversations. It’s appropriate when it’s age appropriate. I can’t speak for the pedophiles who have children for friends.


I think shanboban85 is right that most are adults who play the game… don’t think there are as many kids playing the game as you think.

Great update!

There might be kids in the game, but they are not prevalent either here or the in-game chat that much. And good lord if their parents let them purchase something. Although, as a present… uhmmmm…


I’m 20 and I’m in server 2

…why? Just… why??

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To limit harassment and grooming, presumably. It’s not a bad change. :man_shrugging:


Why is Gadget on the Yellow team? As an extended part of the Mickey Mouse franchise, shouldn’t she be on the Red team with the rest of them?

I had no good expectations for Ariel, but still kinda disappointed that it’s some random fish instead of Flounder :slightly_frowning_face:
Also, are there now icon quality changes? Cause I can’t open them now as before…or it’s because of discourse update?
P.S. Okay, the resolution is the same…but it doesn’t open, yet I just tried Helga’s icons and they do…weird.

The question is, how drastically? Creep Surge is indeed the main gold source in the game at the moment, and if the change isn’t large, we can handle it…maybe, hard to tell.

Really, this is the first time I see gold crates in the inventory :no_mouth:

They aren’t that common :upside_down_face:

Gonna be helpful.


Currently, if you buy a Gold Crate, it’s opened immediately; if you buy 10, all 10 are opened immediately. I’ve never had a Gold Crate go into my inventory, much less 100 of them, so I don’t know what good it’ll do to have that option.

This is better news, although depending on how severe the gold reduction in creep surge is, I may not use this option either.


I am extremely ecstatically excited to see Ariel is arriving at long last to the game.

The tides of fortune must finally have flowed in the proper direction.

How long does it take after prize wall allocation for her to move into the general reward pool?
Unless they have added significant redundancy, there are not enough heroine chips to get her 6* rating, 3xMod attunement and a red skill unclock.

So at some point, we will need to get more of her chips to finish the process of upgrading.

Why does she not have Flounder and/or Sebastian as sidekicks?

Why is she not friends with Moana instead of Barbossa?
It would make more sense for the water themed heroines to be friends.

Yes there are
Just look at the Photo Gallery and watch how many people maxed Lilo and Bolt in stars

You clearly didn’t read the entire post. :thinking:

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