Update 5.2.02-B Patch Notes

Well, the main problem is that whenever we get slightly hopeful we are basically razed to the ground… with patches like this one.

So, understandably, the top spending part of the playerbase (but even dolphins and whatever marine mammal you want the players be alluded to) is becoming increasingly nervous.
F2Ps don´t care since… again… they get 1/10 to 1/15 of resources needed to even be slightly competitive - which basically means they can´t be at all.


But when a whale becomes a non spender it doesnt give them red lights…?

But we will just get the message someday:
“Due to unforseen circumstances the game is no loner viable and therefore will no longer receiving big updates”

And no one would have seen it coming
O… wait… uhm…


Cue Portal Quest closing message. I don´t think Disney Heroes turns out to end differently. Only maybe abruptly, but since we still have 3+1 servers left it has some time.


We will see the 10th anniversary of this game. Nothing will stop dhbm. :heart:


Musk, if that happens I will fly to wherever in the world you are and buy you dinner

Not. Going. To. Happen.


We’re still reviewing further updates to the Guild Perk system. For now, we’re focusing on getting the new rarity out, but we wanted to get these war perks out to players in the meantime.


Ah okey thank you. I hope after the Emerald is out, Guild Perk system and maybe even Yellow QoL will proceed somewhat…

or should we name Yellow QoL Emerald QoL then? :thinking:


A good selection of franchises for this season; I’d love to see Alice finally be viable, and if Woody becomes genuinely good again that’ll be a nice bonus. Sad about the lack of refresh for Bo Peep, though; with her skillset, a decent stat boost would be enough to put her in the top tier of heroes.

There are very few guild perks that I would have less interest in seeing updated, and this looks like it might be done in a way geared to benefit (however slightly) the big-spending, top-ranked guilds. Still, better than nothing.

I guess that 3% chance at extra resources unbalances the economy…

Good to know it’s still in the queue, at least.


Oh good! A new patch season! We gonna get new patch levels? New skills? takes out wallet Oh, no? Huh, well then…puts wallet away


Just… why…?



New Car Bonus Guild Perks

We’ve made a few changes to the Car Bonus Guild Perk system:

  • Added 5 levels for Car Bonus 1-6, starting from Car perk levels 17 to 21
  • Added 1 more level for the Guild Influence Storage perk

Over the course of the year and into 2024, we will be releasing new batches of these guild perks at the start of a new war season. So, at the start of every new war season, there will be 5 more levels to each Car perk (1-6) and 1 added level to the Guild Influence Storage perk. To help guilds who were not able to purchase these perks during the previous season, the previous batch of Car Bonus Guild Perks will decrease in Guild Influence cost.”

Three plus years of nothing new in terms of guild perks and this is what you willing to add finally?


Like others said at least it’s something, but by far the least thing people wanted to see guild perks added to.

Disney battle mode guild perks most wanted I personally would add/suggest if was in charge of this game …

  1. More consumbles like backpacks, x2 and or x4 stamania rechargers, mods and associated updates, power shield points, etc.

  2. Maybe start guild invasion bots at a different level up to like 200 instead of 50.

  3. Start prize wall at like stage five for guild instead of level 1 (and gain associated character coins up to that level at start)

  4. Reduce costs to mercs (I know u guys deny it, but it’s needed) by x for every rank increase.

  5. Increase in hiest winnings by x amount for shield points and hiest coins.

  6. Watching ads or buying things increases vip belts by x much for guild members.

I mean really all the modes in game and characters I can keep going on this….


the difference is, these new car level perks probably took a junior dev all of 20 minutes to add and don’t affect the game economy or playability in any way, whereas brand new perks would be more time consuming and require more expertise to create, and would have to be beneficial to the players :man_shrugging:


I wouldn’t say that but whatever…

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Glad to see some refreshes at we’re pretty vital. Still awaiting a refresh for the Mad Hatter. Even though he is/was in the META, that’s only for one skill. He is, in a sense, pretty weak, discounting that one skill.


*22 new heroes unless someone got a patch previously but I can’t recall any of these franchises patched before

Also where are hamm Bo peep and ducky refreshes?


They may rework them like they did with Moana in maybe a few weeks I’m probably wrong though

Buzz just had a refresh when his movie came out last year do we really need another one @Samm
Ducky and bunny are way more deserving and in desperate need of one


Buzz only got a health and red skill refresh

I don’t know bout y’all but to me I see this as update as a complete win seeing how Pixar doesn’t have a lot of High-Tier characters that are powerful in this game.

Plus Gerald, Marlin, & Nemo’s disk with Hank & Dory could be a game changer reducing the chances of loosing against Abu, Negaduck, and other invincible characters. Although it’d be great to also include Reflect even with the probabilities of it being added are low.


I know he had a refresh last year but he deserves it like really not enough damage good health but not up to date as well as damage

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