War Matchmaking Bug

Looks like there is a bug with the match making system because my guild has now faced the top three guilds 13/23 times this season. We are 4th in MMR but are stuck in challenger league instead of being in legendary where we belong.

Guilds with much lower MMR are in legendary rank getting 8 more crates than us even though their guild clearly would be beaten by us with ease. We also will not receive this months poster.



There have been numerous threads about this on the forum for the past 2 months. Perblue says they’re looking at it, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to get fixed unfortunately.

If target rank pool does not equal current rank change rank pool (searching for guild in your current rank / league)

If target equals previous target change target (dont face previous war match)

If target is ±10 MMR of current MMR set as new war target (sets closest guild in current league as your next war opponent given that it isnt the same as your previous war opponent)

If no target is ±10 MMR of current MMR increase range by 10 MMR (slowly expands search until all criteria are met, ie closest in range of MMR without being previous match and while being in the current league)

And it is that easy. Im sure the per blue programers know exactly how to put that into code and literally implement that in two seconds.

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And I believe that is something similar to how it worked previously.

Unfortunately, PB in their wisdom decided to remove that first check for rank pool, meaning that guilds get matched with the same guilds again and again.

I think they have said that they have read the feedback, but don’t plan on changing it anyway.


Maybe @Polaris can confirm and let us know if they plan on fixing this. Considering it is server side, it just makes the fix all the easier…

He has commented in the past threads. Here’s a link to the prior thread that dealt with this and Polaris’ response.

Im still looking for an update on the situation as I have outlined above an easy solution and would like more information as to why that couldn’t just be implemented.

Like if the best team isnt supposed to win war then at least tell us so we can stop trying. Why try when low tier guilds get to legendary for free.

Oh I completely agree with you. I’m on your side and have been in your position. My guild on server 2 is the 4th ranked guild on the server, but didn’t make legendary last season. We made it this season but mainly due to the release of invasion and some of the top 3 guilds not queuing for war for a few wars in a row. This new matchmaking system is awful.

It really isn’t that easy. The code for War and MMR is much, much more complicated than you’re assuming. The design team is reviewing the data and the code and looking into options to make war more fun for the top and middle tier guilds.


The win/loss rewards also need to be adjusted. We beat another guild 3 times (the guild is first ranked by power and team power on the server mind you) lost the 4th time because we had some members unable to hit due to last minute rl things. The last war resulted in a 75 point loss for us and a 75 point gain for them. They won the season.

That is broken.

Please @Polaris explain more because I do not see any additional logic choices that would be required in the game code in order to match a team up that I have not listed above.

My guild is the 4th most powerful on server 3 and we just lost 8 additional war chests cause we only ever play against the top three guilds so we got stuck in challengers instead of Legendary. (Even though those top 3 guilds are already in legendary)

Guilds with lower MMR get to legendary so we might as well just start sandbagging our MMR so we can get to legendary.

Unfortunately if you start losing matches on purpose, you will get matched with lower guilds, but you may not be able to match enough times in the month to get to legendary anyway. Being the #4 guild is a curse. You’ll constantly get matched to 1-3 with occasional 5 and 6 thrown in for wins.

Once we are in legendary rank it wont matter how many we lose. Before we would keep trying to win even though we were already in legendary. The reward bonus for being number 4 overall pales in comparison to how much we lost by not getting to legendary this season. Like I said we lost 8 additional chests we should have gotten.

I know it’s been over a month, but this was from our last war, and this is the second time this has happened (and the first one was actually worse)

We are in Server 4, and we are being matched every so often with guilds that are at or greater that twice our total power level, and when we aren’t matched with them, we are matched with the same guilds two to four times per month, like everyone else is sayig. We did really well last month and so far this month we are being rewarded with two god-awful, impossible matchups.

I ended up leaving a different game because they couldn’t figure out a halfway decent war matchmaking system; I hope I don’t leave this game too for the same reason.

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