We need more stamina on s22

I’m writing today because there is a major issue with stamina access and the bundles that are offered on server 22. With the exception of guild gifts, I sparingly get offers lower than $20 in price and many of my guildmates have mentioned this being an issue on this server. There are comparable offers on server 19 for $5 and it’s starting to feel like we’re being shafted here on server 22. My boyfriend has similar VIP levels in both servers 19 and 22 he shows me the extreme differences in offers such as $4.99 for 2,068 stamina bundles on s19 compared to $4.99 for 186 stamina bundles on s22. With the skill cap increasing on a monthly basis, constant addition of new heroes, and FTN contests being so frequent, we do not receive enough stamina to make viable progress and we have to pour hundreds of dollars into this game to just keep up with the game. We need an increase in stamina offers with either lower prices or more stamina offered. We also need an increase in the daily stamina received at check-ins and with purchase. I know I am not the only player who feels this way and many players have discussed leaving the game because the standards to level up getting to be too high and pricy.


Hello, Welcome to the forums

Unfortunately the new servers (21-24) have very low value offers compared to other servers like 1
Why?, if I remember correctly, it was to keep the economy well or something like that


@Polaris is correct that?

I understand not getting comparable deals to s1 and s2, but in comparison to s19, we aren’t far behind them (just 10 levels). If this is true, they may want to consider moving s22 up to the same tier as s19 with regards to the stamina bundles that they offer.


I don’t want to be negative but the current stamina deals on server 22 INCREASED a few months ago. And as you can see, nothing has changed. If you are not in too deep, I really think you should move to older servers. It will be harder to catch up but at least you will get the most out of you money

In server 1, for 5$, you could get 2k+ stamina (I dont buy it, just thought to share it with you)


It kind of feels like they want S22 to be for free to play players.

If they don’t offer much for stamina the whales wouldn’t really gain much of an advantage. Thus the free to play players won’t feel like they are falling behind, which will grow the player base rather than pushing players out.

Just watch, when they open the stamina flood gates it will be an arms race, people won’t be able to keep up and people will quit.



And the opposite is true for S1, they want people to become whales.

I can show you the average deal on S1.


Server 1 is the oldest, and they merged in servers 9 to 12 which ramped up the competition and spending

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It didn’t work–S21 and S22 are full of whales that have obscene amounts of power anyway.


There already is a huge gap between payers and those who don’t on s22 and it likely because of Perblue’s error last year. If you didn’t know, they offered a broken stamina deal to select players that gave an extreme advantage to some players. The deal included was thousands of bundles of stamina for $5 and it could be repurchased. To try to rectify things, Perblue took back any unused stamina and gave those who bought it at least $100 worth of crates, badge tokens, etc. They offered everyone on the server stamina, but the gap has grown exponentially since then.

They’ve given very bad deals since then, (I guess as a way to keep the whales from growing even more), but in order to keep up with the pace of the game we need more stamina to craft the expensive badges.


Totalmente de acuerdo, las ofertas en baterías o resistencias no son las adecuadas ya que ascender un héroe de R7 a R8 cuesta demsadio y las ofertas en otros servidores como por ejemplo el servidor 1 al 19 hacen que muchos se planteen cambiar de servidor debido a aumento de nivel. Sólo de pide que por cada aumento de nivel sea equilibrado con las ofertas en resistencia o baterías. Esperemos su respuesta

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Esto no es un asunto de comparativa de servidores , cada jugador escoje el servidor y sabedor está de el gasto que implica este juego, eso es muy claro. Referirnos en particular al servidor 22 en el cual yo me encuentro es comentar sobre uno de los servidores más activos y como un jugador más me manifiesto para pedir que se nos apoye con más estamina , no pidiendo que bajen sus ofertas de precio , más bien que sean más redituables con lo que ofrecen por el pago de estas , o de alguna manera facilitar la adquisición. Somos muchos los jugadores que tenemos esta problemática , aclaró que no es que queramos todo gratis si no algo Justo. Demasiados jugadores abandonan este servidor por esta princípal causa es bueno voltear a ver y hacer algo por nosotros, un aumento de estamina motivaría a muchos jugadores de este servidor a seguir jugando y por lo tanto a invertir recurso monetario con lo cual ustedes como negocio y nosotros como jugadores saldríamos beneficiados.


Nesecitamos que las ofertas sean mas flexibles y que los items valgan la pena las resistencias son importantes para todos los jugadores de todos los servidores me gustarian que ofrescan mas resistencias en sus ofertas son escasas


The same happens on s21 and for these reasons I am f2p :slight_smile:

I, for one, disagree. S22 is the only server to have access to S1-9 trials before they are even available there. And therefore, players can raid R18 badges whereas the cap is only R8 (soon R9) which makes it far easier to progress overall.

The common problem throughout all servers is that in O5+ ranks, the Trials only help with 50% of badges. Before that even much less percent. That´s the true reason behind why everything is so expensive. The badge bits at the top aren´t. The O1-O4 Purple Badges are the true reason.

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