What's this?! (Spoiler thread)

Would it be crazy for each to mean like…a character in a post, like character 15?

Since your post with the post # theory got a like, it must mean numbers are involved.

Since we are supposed to be looking at BGDFOE now, order matters, so we aren’t supposed to add them or rearrange them.

What does 2746155 mean!!!

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Must be a code for something.

Maybe a viginere cipher could work. Swap the number for letters and work from there.

We literally swapped the letters to numbe

I tried linking the numbers to the forums and found nothing

Maybe the o means zero

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It doesn’t. I tried that.

Let me guess.
The whole scavenger hunt was just to announc that Lock, Shock and Barrel are coming to the game, despite EVERYONE already knowing about it?

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But Polaris did not like your post. Or maybe they aren’t splurging on hints. :thinking:

Don’t be so pessimistic about it. I think it is clear by now the answer isn’t about LSB


Even if it is, the treasure hunt is worth it.

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I know the 2.3 notes aren’t written but what if there is a draft like the friendship one that tells us the Tia refresh and the red skills in testing🤔

It’s not about the reward, but the journey getting there lol


And the stress?

What stress?

It’s fun stress :upside_down_face:


That is causing on people like me.

Who bets the reward is knowing what will be in the patch, I bet it’s the heroes and glimpse of some other stuff

Even if there’s a draft I doubt that’s the answer for us to find.

How come you’re stressed? It’s just little fun hunt to pass the time

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