What's this?! (Spoiler thread)

“Ffuo gzf’ng” I’m thinking g is t maybe🤔 And maybe n is just n🤔

I deciphered part of it, I need help with the rest “Collect a few words and phrases: the september signin hero blue skill, the bonds between heroes like these, the hero moved to the guild crate in september, the group of friends you create in the game, fcg vexq js anl xbnricdxd eppcu jav ahbl vj nlqjhbni anez xagpd iz hdh byze ekit ptnyf, icm ntt fafc gq qzi ydpob jrwb erkaqv 1suo kkwolqs (yp en face de yeoti?). Myqi mru’ke 1dlhecbms wzsiekzmtb, vhopi bc qvl gmdu yvu jpmcb, sr hs ketm vqs alo!”


What does a key unlock? A Lock. Thus Lock Shock and Barrel.

The key was the title and the first paragraph of the September sign in heroes

Forget this as the code is getting encoded.

Which September sign in, this years? Wait is it actually may be Amelia they are talking about because it talks about bonds and her skill causes her to activate the whole teams blue skills right?

Blast These Enemies (September 2020)
Woodchuck Travel Bagde (September 2019)
Idk who sign in in September 2018 was

The first part of the key “September Sign-in Heroes and Shop Refresh!
Welcome to the Disney Heroes: Battle Mode September Sign-In Hero and Shop Refresh This release features Captain Amelia from Disney’s Treasure Planet”

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How did you decipher it?

Blast These Enemies


Davy Jones


Aladdin :thinking:

It is sbout 2020.

Guild should be right…Davy too…first csn be Amelia instead of the name of the skill

Then that would be One Jump Ahead.

Though I think Amelia or Davy make more sense

Tia refresh? I know CK would appreciate it

I think Hook is correct, because Amelia and Davy are both captains, and so is Hook

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Sadness is the October Sign-In

I got a little further by adding captain Amelia
“Collect a few words and phrases: the september signin hero blue skill, the bonds between heroes like these, the hero moved to the guild crate in september, the group of friends you create in the game, the name of the eeaegrago sskna dko guva il zaeigbfn phft kiszn qd jha fnbx fjvp bljda, pta mnn zmtu vu xal nlzpd xbim uiagv 1sxv booiwml (xm cod zbbr yz xenzp?). Book oxide jwatiwmma 1mqxugoqet, toeyc yw eby twrk zxs laytemm, ujr hb ioja wgf pxk!”

Yeah, :woman_facepalming: sorry

so… Amelia, Hook, Davy, Guild ???

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