What's this?! (Spoiler thread)

That has nothing to do with this code. We are looking for the things asked, September sign in hero blue skill (blast these enemies) the bonds these heroes share (no clue have tried a bunch. Read above ) September guild crate (Davy Jones) group of friends (guild)


I meant to have them in the key to see if it helps solve the other bit of code

ok i found the website and trying everything… what are the key words used so far?

Need helpstrong text

What’s the website?

i am using Vigenere.

September Sign-In Heroes and Shop Refresh!

Welcome to the Disney Heroes: Battle Mode September Sign-In Hero and Shop Refresh! This release features Captain Amelia from Disney’s Treasure Planet !

this is one key word. but it doesn’t have all the results anna had.


You need that key, captain Amelia, Davy Jones, guild

I am still doing something wrong, can you try Bio Electronic Navigator?

I haven’t gotten anything yet, anyone got anything?

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Any help @Polaris?

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This took awhile but… Collect a few words and phrases: the september signin hero blue skill, the bonds between heroes like these, the hero moved to the guild crate in september, the group of friends you create in the game, the name of the challenge where you have to complete city watch on any mode five times, and the name of the badge that proves your courage (in the face of bears?). Once you’ve collected everything, think of how this all started, and go find the end!


Finally got it. Had to look at page source. The whole pad was:

September Sign-In Heroes and Shop Refresh! Welcome to the Disney Heroes: Battle Mode September Sign-In Hero and Shop Refresh! This release features Captain Amelia from Disney’s Treasure Planet! captain amelia dialogue_captain_amelia Captain Amelia is a front-line “Damage” hero. Captain Amelia will be available as the September Sign-In Hero on Servers 1-22. skills captain Amelia skill kb to arms captain amelia commands her allies to use

Which gives :

Collect a few words and phrases: the september signin hero blue skill, the bonds between heroes like these, the hero moved to the guild crate in september, the group of friends you create in the game, the name of the challenge where you have to complete city watch on any mode five times, and the name of the badge that proves your courage (in the face of bears?). Once you’ve collected everything, think of how this all started, and go find the end!

Edit: OMG beat by 1 min =(


Hm, the badge of courage

He means the first post in the forums or the original first clue?

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Courage badge from Merida right

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Sorry :sweat_smile: yours is better worded and presented anyway so I think you won this more than I did.


Though I think we have to wait for Polaris to come back online…

The challenge is called On The Case

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The challenge is called “on the case”


I woke up to this. I read the entire thread.
This is so crazy.

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