What's this?! (Spoiler thread)

In treasure hunts, I find that the reward is in solving the mystery, not so much so the reward at the end. :grimacing::grin:


It never was. Friendship update was.

Thanks for pointing that!
I thought it was delayed.
So i got nothing again about “patient” and “long time”, well Kim…

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I better not see anyone saying they called it about Kim if she actually comes, someone “calls it” every time new patch notes are released

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Hey, maybe Cats has something to do with it (Or not, is just s theory) since when Polaris said that the patch notes were delayed he well, sent a Cat. And I searched Cats on Disney Wiki (I dunno if its a reliable source) and Captain Amelia appeared on the list (somehow). Well now that I think about it, the theory is pretty lame but it was fun to think about.

You’re overthinking it

We got all the clues we need

This all started from Polaris’ What’s this? post.
So now go find the end… End of what?

I may be wayyy off but what’s this is NBC end of the movie zero played a big role… maybe saying zero will come out this month? Just a thought

Maybe jack skellington will get a refresh…?

Ok, I’ve got to put my 2 cents in on this,

Blast these Enemies seems to me like playful reassurance that October Villains is indeed happening. Friendships is obviously referring to the Friendship refresh that’s coming in 2.3, I think we can all agree on that. Davy Jones is likely referring to the Tia refresh. Guilds… I’d love to believe that we’re getting Guild Level 6, but they always take forever to do new Guild levels, although I don’t see any other options. On the Case, let’s get positively real here, if it isn’t Kim the Kimplaints will become more unbearable than ever. Emblem of Bravery, this is the most strange for me, but I think it might be hinting that Mor’du in particular is coming for October Villains, maybe even this update.


Emblem of bravery - Merida’s red skill!

I guess I’ll remind the thread again, Polaris told us we have all of the clues to solve the puzzle. We aren’t predicting the patch notes here. We’re finishing a scavenger hunt.

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Thank you, guv.

Could you make a suggestion?

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I honestly thought trying to reply to the original post with our final key words was a great idea, although it seems it didn’t work out. It really feels to me like something has to be done in the October sign in notes or the “What’s this?” Post. I’m just not entirely sure what.

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Maybe it has to be the right key and the guess was wrong?

That could be the case. I tried a few different posts, I’m just not sure what would be the correct thing. We were never entirely sure on the “friendship” thing for the second part of the final clue

I guess this.

You guess this, but is there any evidence on the page that is where we should go? Any leads as to what to do once you’re there?

I assumed comment the correct answers to be reviewed by Polaris. That’s all I got.

So we have all the clues so we just have to think think think

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