@polaris I have a question, will Kim have the design that was leaked (or was it fake) and will she have her leaked skillset?
How all of you come with the conclussion of Kim’s coming? Not that I dont want her, only that I won’t wanna have such high expectatives
The end of the hunt led to a thread that first mentioned Kim Possible and sparkf the “Where is Kim?” Era of the Forums.
Well that era is coming to an end, now we just wait for Kermit, anna, Pete, daisy, bill cipher, and lilo lol (don’t hurt me !)
Let the hype begin!! The hero we’ve been waiting is finally coming soon!! (I think)
Can someone link me to the post about Duke Caboom’s disk that mentions Kim Possible?
I’m very excited for this but after Kim but, then what? I felt so used to waiting I don’t know how it’ll feel without waiting for her. And after Kim could the game end, I’m getting really stressed out here
It’s already linked
Can you link to me again? I can’t just scroll all the way up.
If anyone wants to see her skills go to the DHBM server on discord
The datamined skillset might not be real according to what Polaris said in a different place
Where was this said? Because I datamined the 2.2.31 update and saw her skills and friendship there
Check this part of Stitch’s post
Polaris said this
It’s a private topic.
You can only access to it from the October sing in post link
I said the skill set might not be real. Why so rude?
And I’m gonna choose to believe Polaris than a datamine.
If you are on the DHBM discord server you would see for yourself
Agreed, Kim isnt even on datamine yet