Who agree to remove Heist?

Since i created the heist I have the option to kick someone and u can see it in the corner. I don’t kick unless people start asking for it and asking me to kick someone that’s not playing.

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thanks for showing me i could not seem to find it lol

That sounds a very reasonable suggestion!

I agree, wholeheartedly 100%.
The rewards are meh, time consuming game feature with no fun and on older servers even your guild mates don’t want to participate anymore.

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I think that that’s just your guild, you don’t need to participate in heist, just don’t do heist if you want it removed

I will surely not do heist if it is not a daily quest… lol

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The question wasn’t if I personally do it or not. My opinion is it’s not a very rewarding game feature.
Stop with simpleton answers like a little kid. If you like ok, fine. I’m intersted in contributing to my guild and even if it only earns 100 influence I try doing my dailies.
If I had a long working day and I need to rush trough dailies and can’t find playpartners because servers are vacated and hardly ANY heists are starting at all because PerBlue shoved generations of players away from this game then I’m all in to remove this time consuming feature and replace it with something else more fun.
If you like it, fine. I don’t. But I truly don’t need people in this forums telling me what to do.

I never play heist, I find it the most pointless thing in game and it is time consuming even its little time… they do need to think about heist and the future of it as well as many other improvements to make the game viable.

Heist is very lackluster all in all


I agree. I very rarely do heist anymore. It would be nice if they could improve it. I do fine without the small rewards from heists but if they were to offer gold or stamina as a reward I would probably do heists more offten

So, you want it removed just because you hate having it as a daily quest that sometimes you’re not able to finish? Wouldn’t it be sufficient just to change that daily quest to something else?


That’s a lot of trouble to go through just to change a daily quest

Basically I want it removed because it takes too much time to play it efficiently for max rewards. If I think about 2 groups I play perfect heist on 2 different servers it takes in best case scenario at least 25-30 minutes. Everyone is doing their tasks super efficient but still it takes too much time. The shop isn’t very exciting and the influence earned is the same as for a task finished in one click.
The only pro is disc power but it’s lackluster for 100+ heroes. War rewards weren’t adjusted as weren’t heist rewards. War is done in a minute so this is more or less tolerable, heist is not.

So basically, you want to remove a game feature that you could just as easily ignore and that many people actually do still enjoy just because you think it takes too much time.


I think I answered your question already.
For clarification, remove it or reward it better.

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I wouldnt mind if the stakes were raised a little in heist. If you do a turbo, which done properly, takes 5 minutes. But some players go for turbo when the rest are trying to go for more heist tokens, and anyway long story short it’s easy to get a game done that’s just meh with 6 or 7 gems, but impossible to lose. If there were an incentive to guard gems, like you lose if you go below 5 gems or so, and more frequent thief encounter, it would be more exciting. And faster.

Raising the stakes would make the game harder, probably more frustrating, but it would get rid of heist hosts that are leeches, and would get players more incentivised to guard gems instead of always immediately assuming we are playing turbo.

Returning to the start of the topic, the problem is the kick in the middle of the Heist with no reason. I agree. It should be solved.

Heist is the almost only featute that can be achieved with various players, regardless of which guild players belong to.

And I think players dont have to do perfect playing. Too much straining to do perfectly makes games dull, for me at least…

Yeah, the fact people think they need to get a perfect score is because they want the money. And let’s not forget you just need to complete it to get the daily quest

I knoe your suffering. May be the situation shown below.

There IS the hideout, but sometimes very, very difficult to find. :cry:

Hideout was almost hidden by the valuabe.

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There was no value and literally we cleaned the whole circle and nothing. We waited for the dots to reappear and then we managed to find the hideout

I have no idea, sorry. What we can do is just investigating existing POIs in the circle, bacause new POIs appear only by to investigate existing POIs (and finish investigation). No new POI appears by just waiting.

Moreover whether a POI just appeared is a new one or already investigated one depends on luck (technically, pseudo RNG perhaps). So we must try to investigate POIs and remember the place of them repeatedly. Hard work.

If we investigate the POI where Hideout is, we find it just after the investigation, from my experience.

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