Who's That Hero?

Good Point, but why does the nose stick out?

At first i thought simba then rafiki but it kinda looks like king louie from the jungle book 2016 oh also obvously joy

Im on the side that says that the second mystery hero is rafiki!!!

OH MY GOODNESS it’s Rafiki it’s not beast it’s not louie ITS RAFIKI!

That’s brobably his mouth. Baboons have kinda long jaws.

Guys guys calm down it just maybe a mistake

I’m undecided cause i stuided the pic for a long time and it looks like the nose sticks out


Evidence To Support Rafiki

-Nearly identical facial shape.
-Mane of white hair.
-No horns, excludes Beast
-New Lion King remake being released
-Confirmed in a datamine
-Similar arm shape


@The_Spooky_Vizier is correct it’s RAFIKI NOT BEAST AND NOT KING LOUIE!

Rafiki is actually a mandrill

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Maybe it has no horns or it might be the what it was again ra…

Mandrills have short tails. So, the 1994 Rafiki is kinda weird one. The 2019 one is definitely a mandrill.


Here’s a picture of Rafiki guys. The part that “sticks out” probably isn’t even his nose but part of his grey fur or his mouth.

Now i agree its Rafiki cause that long nose might actually be his arm cause Rafiki kind of raises his arms

So that website says lies??

The website just says what was datamined or announced. The characters datamined could be delayed.

it still might release them

Joy is near angers

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