Why PB disk heavy nerf

Why did y’all at PB think it’s ok to heavily nerf Clawhauser’s disk but not Honey Lemon’s disk?:thinking:

I’m rather confused as to why this came to be @Polaris and would like some in-site as to why this trash decision was made… and I’m talking about the percentages not the stats

What??? If That disk was not heavily nerfed HE WOULD BE CHESHIRE CAT 2.0


But yet Honey Lemon is Cheshire 2.0😂

No where near as good.


Well, we haven’t got her so we can’t be sure about that.

Hire thing???

Doesn’t have her disks, so we can’t experience her at her full extent.


With those kind of of stats he’d be Megavolt -0.5 :joy:

With Powerline disk Clawsauser is just a tad bit worse than Megavolt

Not really imo. HL needs to be on the right team in order to reach her maximum damage potential, especially considering how she herself can’t actually Blind or Freeze enemies, whereas Cheshire Cat can do insane damage no matter what team he is on.


250% of his Armor as damage every second would be insane when paired with heroes who give strong defense buffs like Shang, T&P, and Joy. Slinky and Max also come to mind. :grimacing:


Also to add, leaked heroes aren’t well… Ready to be released (In this case both HL and Clawhauser were leaked heroes due to them not being released yet) so some adjustments are made. The best example of this is Belle, since she had a different skillset from the one she has now when she was leaked, so don’t expect any stat (Like Normal Stats, Attack speeds, disk effects, etc) to be accurate pre-release.


Claw’s skills and stats were massively improved, if disk wouldn’t change he would be broken.

More than that, absurd. There´s still Joy who can give 20M Reality, that gets turned into Armor. OH BOI!

But yeah, characters with +160 Skill Levels are great, right? RIGHT? RIGHT?

Yes. :slight_smile:

Normal damage.
True damage

But well, now I hope Dujak will see the point of putting him in A tier.

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I’m not them, but it’s spelled Djaq. (Unless that was an intentional misspelling for a joke I missed or something like that.)

Exactly that :smiling_imp:


The joke

My head

57.5M healing to who? The whole team or himself?

To whole team… white skill.

And more BD as well.

Disk maxed looks sad😔

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