1.11.4 Known Issues

Healing 2k per sec. on battle

Skill description says 16k healing per sec.

Not sure if armor buff works correctly too.


What level was the Timon & Pumbaa you were fighting?

Skill description is from same Timon & Pumbaa which I was fighting with. Lv130 O8 3stars.

Okay then… I can’t help you out then

I have witnessed an error so far that I had the opportunity, to see how my Level 95 Ursula was facing a level 93 Bop Peep. The problem occurs that when Úrsula uses “Poor, unfortunate souls” on her, the effect “hexed” "does not consume Bop’s energy by activating his white skill. I really don’t know if the mistake is since they added Bop Peep or since this update, but since I saw that error I have tried to face Ursula with her and the same thing always happens. It only stuns her but does not consume her energy.



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Aladdin’s emoji disappeared.

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That isn’t a bug. If you unlock every emoji of a certain hero, they go to the bottom

Ok thanks, then Timon and Pumbaa healing needs to be solved.
I unlocked him and his healing is also bugged.

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I know right?!

The Timon & Pumba skill description is incorrect. The number is much too high. The team is checking to make sure the skill is working correctly and will be updating the text when they’re through the investigation.


Ok then (thanks for respond), but 2k healing per sec. in meta is also too small. Irony. Well… guess nothing to do now with it.


I’m on server 18 and I just finished a difficult friend battle with Goofy and Jessie. I had cleared it with much trouble only to have the message “Invalid loot” pop up and my victory not registered. Please fix, that victory was very hard to win and I can’t replicate it even though I have been trying. Please fix, I’m very upset.

Wait so you’re saying Timon and pumbas roughly 16k healing is far too high, but ducky and bunny’s well over 100k team killing laser eyes are fair :thinking: ok if you say so


Yea, @Polaris have you guys looked at the duck and bunny blue damage?

Better check Peter’s Pan active :slight_smile:
Even more broken.

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