24hr Notice for Events? Yes, Please!

That’s where being patient comes into the game. What are y’all going to do when the next update comes out at 2 PM? Me personally I’m going to wait if I know stuff is coming up. Sometimes its predictable of what Perblue is up to.

Totally agreed. I noticed the new event is kinda getting out of hand lately… I’m from SG and initially I did not get the new event till around 12noon my time (after learning the hard way, buying all stamina only to have the stamina reduction costs event), lately the new event is only coming out after 4pm my time!!!

Is there something wrong? Nevertheless, a 24 hrs schedule / notice will be nice so I know to hold my diamonds till the events pops.

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If they showed us what events they are planning to do throughout the week that would be nice as well :slight_smile:

Definitely. ANY kind of notice or bulletin would be awesome! So many more events have occurred since this post. :sob: Although, I have to say, I appreciate the fact that they’ve saved the 2x Port/2x Trial Drops for Sundays.

New update
Still no any notice :frowning:

I already suggested that a month ago so I guess they don’t care see here: Link


That would be sweet!

The game is being developed slowly, as far as I can notice reading the forum. Too bad they already started selling stuff for real money (:gem: diamonds :gem:, for example) and don’t care to event reply their costumers’ requests

This would be great but the game devs aren’t transparent in this game. If you have ever written to the support team you would notice that they don’t really care about quality of life changers, it’s a shame really.

Yes please. Last time i already spent all of my trial chance on sunday (15 chance!!) when the 2x trial drop event started. It is so ridiculous that player can not expect when the next event will occur.

I’m all in favor of this, and I hope PerBlue starts doing this right away.

Would be nice but the safe bet right now is to wait until both event start times pass…

For example (for me), events activate at 12 midnight and 7 am usually: so I usually start playing after 7 am, in case of an event starting

If you pay attention to patterns, you’ll be able to make sure to be able to take advantage of event bonuses

For instance, it looks like our first contest started at 8 am (my time)… Future contests may utilize that time as well

@sCary kind of silly to expect users to stay awake between midnight and 7AM to get a deal based on where they live.

No you misunderstood me

You just need to not play during those hours

Oh we might have different time zones then. My issue is double Trials drops typically happen on Sunday but the event doesn’t start until around midnight on Sunday for me. That means I have to avoid doing it all day then login between midnight and 5AM when the dailies reset.

This is the only game that I wake up in the morning but do not log on till afternoon to play… no point logging on early to play, then regret as I used up all the trials and a double trials event come on…

I’ve conditioned myself to doing that as well Drizz, and I’m sure I’m not alone.

It’s very odd that the game has taught experienced players to essentially play less to try benefit more.

Not 24 hours but better than nothing

I did appreciate this, it would be great if it happened more often.

Agreed! Its come to the point where people wait until the next day before doing anything incase an event goes live.

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