3.5.10 Known Issues Thread


Also, when will be a new one? As for now, there is nothing so we’re 30 crates behind.


We used to have 30 crates AND trial event… So it really doesn’t seem like a compensation

Furthermore, we don’t even know when this trial event is back…

And we won’t receive 30 crates from contest any more from now on? Just 15? Any clarification here pls?

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This is just if they’re going to be distributed elsewhere


I suspect next… probably Thursday like with the Dulled Damage and Hercules trials.

If 30 crates are distributed elsewhere during FTN then I’m sure a lot won’t complain

One time. It would be hard to argue that’s a pattern.

Now if the badge crates from the Prize Wall are counted as part of the “redistribution”, then yeah, I’d say that would be really mean…

But the patter was always 45.

This means we’re still behind 30 crates, if it even will start next week… or we will wait again 3 weeks.
And if next week they should take prizes from NEXT contest, not this one.
But uh, FTN next week so I guess they need somehow to encourage people to spend.

of course…

sara’s boyfriend poppin in uninvited to heist fights


someone reported this already

dope! now someone else has

Phil’s red skill cleanse doesn’t work with Zeus’ starting active.

As you can see , after my zeus goes off normally (hardy from tron cancelling out the hex on him) my Phil is still hexed (you can’t see the exact icon above him but its near impossible to try and time that screenshot perfectly however it is definitely still there and you can see it by the portrait). I also didn’t get any attack speed.
I don’t know about the other part of his skill but this one definitely seems to have issues

Because Chip and Dale don’t use their white skill on themselves, their purple and red skill don’t either :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: and blue skill only activates once at the start of each wave :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: so what we have of Chip and Dale during battle is only green skill :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

And if they ever left alone during battle, they are dead meat…totally useless…

What in the world is this design??? I was so happy seeing them in game after a really longgggg time :frowning: and they turned out to be completely horrible :frowning:

You guys really don’t do them any justice,@Loutre

Please consider making some changes…pls

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Edit: rayas pierce abilities work. The icon for pierce is just difficult to see.

@Loutre could you ask the team to make Chip & Dale’s White Skill activate even for themselves… as for now white, purple, and red skill doesn’t exist if solo, and blue only actives once, and why other supports can use active for themselves but they can’t, not really nice or balanced… really hoping it will change. :slight_smile:


I mean, theres heroes that are completely useless when left alone in the team, at least he can do a standard basic attack, kermit and joy literally can’t deal damage

They can use white skill on themselves, and they don’t lock 2 other skills just because no allies… and them dealing damage is out of character, and their basic attacks is different and has their own use.

Chip & Dale desperately needs to change mechanism in their white skill, not to mention they can’t gain hardy stacks from MAXED red skill while having 0 evasion/tenacity. Really sad how the team made them worse.

Kermit can’t use white on himself if he’s alone either, joys heal is basically non existent only works with old cores with low hp pools but I do understand your point, it is underwhelming on chip and dale its just not the worst hero to have alone in general.
His skillset and team buff feels like not enough to use him over the others who, while theyre completely useless on their own have better team play potential

Lots of skill power from happiness

Also, Miguel is another one that can’t attack when solo.

He can.


Even on team, they get nothing from white, purple, and red skill making themselves easier to kill and debuffed.

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