3.7 Known Issues

This isn’t an issue. His animations are approved and final.

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No, but it needs a refresh since the allies in both of Bagheera’s friendships are taken from Carl’s friendships.

I know the post was flagged as an off-topic spam, but for reals it isn’t on this topic. The Coldsnapper wasn’t dereezing when he was frozen after his death attack. It was caused by Fear’s Red skill saying that the first 2 disables blocked by his blue skill are sent back to the enemy who attempted to apply them. It’s been out for sooo long. Right @Musketeer and @Loutre?

True. Can you put that on the list of known issues? Throughout the topic, I’ll post photos about what needs refreshments because 1. the allies and enemies from a friendship campaigns has been taken by an earlier one, and 2. It’s no fun to put in the same things. Chapters 46 - 49 need refreshments too because the enemies have been taken by Chapters 43 - 45.

What happened here…?

Screenshot_20220225-161342_Disney Heroes


Just asking, why Sarah issues are still not being posted at known issues? Are they being working on her? Just want to know, It is such a pity :cry:

Our guild has a bug in surge @Loutre.

One of our areas has -1 power so we can’t attack it which makes it uncompletable In that zone.

Gonna make surge a lot harder for us today

Have you already contacted support? Especially during the weekend, I’d say that’s more likely to get a response in time to resolve the issue before the end of this surge.


Hi yeah contacted support covered all bases lol :joy:

Edit: just checked and apparently they are aware of the issue and are actively working on a fix

OK, I figured you had, but given the time-sensitive nature of this problem I just wanted to make sure.

Getting a bit fed up with all the bugs in the game. Sadness got stuck in the sky with her white skill and was untargetable.

This was my screen

What was the whole lineup you were against?

@Loutre could the team check Pocahontas’ blue skill?
It always worked like the green skill - it activated while Pocahontas was disabled. But now it doesn’t seem to be the case.
Specifically in her friendship campaign with Kida, she is permanently disabled by Robin Hood and Elsa. Which would be fine, since she can survive for almost the whole fight, if it wasn’t that the blue skill doesn’t trigger once unless she evades at least one disable (which happens in the first wave against Elsa, but not in the second against both Elsa and Robin Hood).

Would you be able to get a video of this at all?

I think it was something to do with the movement speed slow sabotage. Maybe that’s the problem might be a bit buggy ?

Opponents team was

Sadness, Slinky, Disgust, Fear and Kermit.

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  • Max red skill Vinny stuns all enemies at the start of battle if there is a Fairy God Mother (Mx disk) in the other team.
  • King Triton does not gain energy when K.O. enemies with Malestrom.

Is it intended on s25 to have removed the every 5 levels progression rewards starting at around level 70 like every other server has until you get to max rank?

This is intended for right now, but eventually will have them. The server is still new and those progression rewards are meant as catch up events for players who may be behind.

well, that kind of answers why S25 was made…

So new players have a new server to play on without worrying about catching up to older players on an older server and working on keeping a healthy player environment.

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