When using Eeyore and Hook together Hook does not use the debuffs from his Patches at the start because both are putting sap on the enemies at the start and I guess Eeyore’s sap gets put onto enemies because his is longer than Hook’s
Never really saw that happen because both hook and eeyore are at the beginning of red
30 is good enough. But there should be higher count of free ones anyway…
At least 1:3 (free vs free+extra), the best would be 1:2 tho.
3 free daily ones, then…
looks like that exact text was corrected, but the tooltip text was not -
it does beggar belief sometimes guys.
Skinner is level 219 but the badge isn’t able to be equipped?? This badge is glitched, as it doesn’t allow to be equipped by any 155+ hero.
“” & “” are in Chapter 26. If you haven’t finished chapter 26 (At least Stage 1 and 2), it won’t show up
What I can see the “Guresome Grave” badge is locking.
Ahhhh I see
Please remove this useless pop-up screen when promoting heroes. Waste of time, it makes already annoying cap rises even more annoying, same with dreadful badge enhance, why there can’t be option to enhance all badges with one click?
Uhm @Samm, I know this is not an in-game issue, but it is an issue on this forum. I have been slowly losing my badges earned on this forum, such as “Regular”. Is this a glitch, or was is on purpose
Trust level can decrease if your activity is also decreased, or you got flagged.
@Samm Idk if you’ve seen this, but for some reason, Dr. Facilier is nowhere to be seen in Hero filters, like Red Team.
Also, King Triton’s Basic Attack mistakenly hits allies in front of him.
Something is deadly wrong with Skinner. This is my fight in Coli. It last the whole fight like this
Do you even test Skinner before releasing him?
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Does King Triton actually do damage to the allies when that happens?
Do you mean that his shield can be cleared/removed?
You can see that Jessie’s shield she’s having is Eeyore’s shield she’s stole.
Tried with Abu and others, same problem.
Btw, His shield can still be copied.
Good question!
While I was playing the Elite Campaign, in one of the Chapters, Triton’s Basic Damage hits one of my allies (in this case, Belle), to the point that that Hero gets K.O.-ed.
Dr. Facilier is missing from all filters. That’s why.