5.0 Known Issues

Looks like not just the invasion rewards got taken away.

UK, France, Germany, etc etc now has no advantage (I’d even say they have a disadvantage) against USD.

@Samm the team stopped using that third-party thingy for deal prices… or it’s broken… or it’s meant to be that high? :thinking:


I think there’s something wrong with the deals this week.

Last week

This week


I agree, why have deal prices drastically increased ? I live in Europe. Please @Samm bring back yesterday’s prizes, it’s hard enough to keep following this game to make it almost impossible to progress if you keep increasing everything.

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I did ask…


Hi @Samm mine and other peoples tiana trial didn’t reset, i’m 20 chips away from 200:( is it on purpose or is it a glitch please check it out!!
thanks :slight_smile:


Quasi is now spawning in on the opposing teams side and just sitting there.

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Also Statler and Waldorf friendship disk got switched to the Carl one after the update before last I originally had the fozzie one and now do not have it !

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Might be a glitch,also I’m like 126 chips away from six stars so yay

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What ya mean by that

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This is a known issue

The team are currently working on it.

If you do not know, then it doesn’t affect you luckily :slight_smile:


Mr.Bandit sorry I’ve been a bit mean but please tell me what the disk switch bug is

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We set all prices in USD. Changes are part of an automated process, and these fluctuations are based on exchange rates, local currencies, etc.

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Loutre back in the day said it was some third-party app doing the fluctuations.

I’d still like more if it had been like in early days… where UK, France, Germany etc etc had the deals for like half the price… now it’s more than USD price again.
Even that Mexican one…


At least scale up the deals to give more stamina and other items if prices increased.

Now was 4th price rise since that happened, but yesterday’s one was a huge increase. Most expensive pack cost 30 pounds more.

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You want them to what?
Give us more things because the price increased?

How dare you ask such a thing. Outrageous I tell you, simply outrageous.


So you stopped to use this


I think it may be in the bug tracking section of the roadmap soon.

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And we still don’t know why they increased those prices… a standard stamina pack cost now 21.99 euros instead of 14.79 euros🙁


I assume (not confirm) that PerBlue just abandoned that third-party program Loutre told us about.


@Polaris Tiana’s white skill can be activated when she is alone. The result is nothing 🤷🏼

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