5.5 Known Issues

The scrolling fix in the update today isn’t a perfect solution - now when you claim things from the mailbox, they don’t disappear correctly


Small bug with Pegasus after the update - when leveling his skills, the skill level number does not change until I exit and renter his page. I tested a couple other heros and they changed as normal.


It’s not just Pegasus, it’s ALL Heroes.
I’ve tested it on both Bunsen & Beaker and Voyd, trust me.


It is not everyone, it seems tied to heros outside the current patch season. Sally, Sulley, and Randall level as normal for me, tried Tigger and Agent P and they do not.


Prize wall tokens is also slightly lagging, it works and then suddenly lags for several seconds. I’m out of tokens in the screenshot but it still shows three for several seconds before changing to zero.


Nega kept cleaning and reflecting continuously. This causes it to get stuck at some stages. :chart_with_downwards_trend:


My mailbox is lagging a lot. I claim something like my merc tokens then it would still be their, I try clicking on it again and it says something like “mail not found”. It then disappears with me getting the reward.

Does anyone else have this issue?


The delays are a side effect of the stamina changes, but luckily it’s just a visual issue. If you’re experiencing this problem, please send in a support ticket with attached screenshots of the parts of the game where the delay is occurring. Thanks in advance!


I don’t think the “More in:” counter needs to be shown anymore @Samm. I think it gives no information whatsoever.

And at this point, it is debatable whether the cap, aka “Full in:” should stay the same way as it is… hardly needed I’d say.

Or at the very least it would be good if that regeneration cap was the same as the hard cap (2.14M).
Yes, I do realize that some people like seeing that their stamina would be full in 8 hours instead of 3 days, but it makes the given stamina recharge items pretty useless.


It is better as it is now.


Why are we getting phoebus avatar items again @Samm


I can login but I still can’t claim rewards from ads. The ad runs, but then the tick doesn’t appear in the corner.

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Stop making these trials impossible, remove patches and disks from enemies. @Samm


I did ask for that in another thread. It’s not really impossible for wave 1… but even if you do remove disks and patches, you are still left with Baymax+Felix instakilling you in wave 2 since no hero you can use grants Armor to teammates.

And iirc if you just delete disks and patches, Baymax+Felix will still just kill you.

So the result is simple. Change Felix for someone else. Delete Baymax’s disk if it’s “Ol”


I don’t know who designed these so-called trial but that one should be fired :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

It took me a lot of effort to pass the 1st stage and then, boom, Baymax killed my whole team the second 2nd stage started

I mean, who could even defend against that??? None of my heroes could help their allies survive THAT!!!

Did they even test these trial before releasing?

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They should remove Baymax AND Felix altogether. No one can help us survive that, at least not from these franchises

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I only made it to stage 9 when that Sally in first wave obliterated me in about 5 seconds… unfortunately my Sally didn’t do enough damage back fast enough… stage before with Randall all three waves was not fun either.

And speaking of trials, what is the trick to beating the weekend trials?! The R8s cut through my Y ranks like butter, it’s getting really annoying!

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@Samm the scrolling bug still exists in some cases - here I am trying to scroll right to access the crates. I didn’t scroll left once in this clip -


@samm can we pls have some more friend stamina? We need 240 to complete 1 friend campaign (if we are lucky) and we currently have 70 :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: and it needs nearly 24hr for that to refill

If you guys don’t plan to scale friend stamina, at least give us more perk of that. Or more diamond deals for those stamina

What’s the point of looking at things if you guys decide nothing needs to be changed afterwards? To stall for time and give us false hope?


I passed the video on to the team. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

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